Page 76 of Accidental Fae (Fae War Chronicles 1)
“Rafferty?” I whisper loudly as I spin in a circle. The owls are back, as are the chirping crickets, but there’s no clicking, no Rafferty. My heart pounds with fear, turning me into little more than a shaking corpse. Do I go back? See if he’s alive? Stay the course?
Is it possible he passed me somehow? That we outran the creatures? But even as I think it, I know there’s no way that’s the truth. He wouldn’t have left me—right?
“What are ye’ doin’ out ’ere, you blitherin’ fool?”
I spin, fists raised, which is ridiculous because—you know—what good am I up against the creatures out here? A man stands behind me wearing dark brown pants and an off-white shirt that is tucked into the top. He’s carrying a satchel full of what looks like twigs and has a dark brown hat pulled over his hair. “Who are you?”
“Not lookin’ to be eaten with the likes of ye’!” His accent is so thick I can barely follow along. “And ye’ might as well be nekkid!”
Glancing down at my shift, I realize he’s one hundred percent right. Add to that my bloodied feet and the twigs in my hair, I’m sure I look like a complete psycho. “I’m sorry. I got separated from my—friend. Something attacked us, and I don’t know where I am.”
The man narrows his eyes at me and takes a step closer. “Ye’ weren’t attacked, were ye’?”
I shake my head.Not tonight, anyway.“But I’m afraid I don’t know where I am or where to even begin looking for him.”
He purses his lips. “Come on, then. The wife’ll have a fit at me if I leave ye’ out here in the cold.” Without waiting for my response, he simply continues walking leaving me with a choice.
Follow the strange man, or wait here for one who may or may never show back up. I choose the former, assuming that he must live close by, and Rafferty will likely find me—hopefully. I follow him as he moves near-silently through the trees.
He stops just before a massive tree—much larger than the one Rafferty and I napped in—and knocks three times on the door. Then, after a brief pause, two more times. I’m prepared to turn and run, but then a young girl answers the door. With golden eyes, she peers out at the man and smiles. “Papa has returned!”
“Keep yer’ voice down, or you’ll attract the monsters,” he scolds, but then smiles in return. Her eyes find me.
“Who is that?”
He glances back at me. “Not sure.”
She opens the door for him, and he gestures for me to follow. “Come on, we’ll get ye’ cleaned right up.”
I follow, not sure what to make of this man who invited a complete stranger into a home with what appears to be his family. Doesn’t he know there are crazy people in this world? The ground makes way to stairs that are illuminated only with a soft light carrying from upstairs. Behind me, the door shuts, and I turn just in time to see the little girl slide a huge lock into place.
I swallow hard.If they kill me, Rafferty is going to kill me.That is, if he’s still alive. My heart tightens with that thought, so I shrug it off. He’s strong enough to handle himself, right?
So many questions and not nearly enough answers over here.
We continue down the steps, my feet aching with each move, until the stairs end, and we move into a brightly lit room. It’s huge, about the size of my apartment, minus the privacy of separate room. Three beds line one wall with a much larger one on the opposite side, partially hidden by a partition.
A woman groans, and the man drops his backpack with a younger boy who is stoking a fire. Which makes absolutely no sense. Where the hell is the smoke going? I look up, only to see nothing but more tree.
“It’s an illusion,” a second little girl tells me as she carries a wicker basket toward the partition.
“Easy, love,” the man coos.
“Is everything okay?” I call out.
“Who the blitherin’ hell is that?” A woman calls out.
“I found her in the woods, love. Near nekkid.”
“Ye’ brought a nekkid woman into our home! Owww!” she cries.
“Not naked!” I call out as I move into view.
Theverypregnant woman stares back at me, and her eyes widen in wonder. “She’s not fae.”