Page 35 of Heads or Tails
Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the female start to rise again ... shakily. He let go of the male and pushed away from him with enough force to topple him over onto the pavement.
The coppery taste of blood in his mouth had him shifting back. He could feel it running down his chin and neck.
“Get out of here,” he snarled at them both. “Or I won’t stop until you’re both dead.”
Both of them shifted at the same time, getting up onto shaky legs. The male shifter clutched his neck with his hand, blood pooling through his fingers and down onto his neck in thick rivulets. The female took a few shaky steps toward him, clearly concussed.
“And tell whoever sent you to fuck off.”
Neither of them spared another word before running off with each other. He shook his head as his body started to come down from the adrenaline rush, swiping a hand over his mouth and spitting out the blood he could still taste.
Giving the garage one last sweep of his eyes, he climbed into his car and pulled out his phone again. He needed to figure out who the fuck was just sent his way and why before something like this happened again while he was out with Rose.
Pulling up a web page, he quickly typed in the nameTish Blackinto the search results, tapping his fingers impatiently on his steering wheel while he waited for it to load.
The top article was a blog post from one of the journalists he recognized who usually did scoops on the underground scene. He clicked on it, a photo loading at the top of a woman bent over a microphone with her mouth wide open.
She had on a long oversized pink wig with bangs that came down to cover the top half of her face. Her ruby red lips were the only visible thing about her.
It made him raise a brow.
That’s quite a statement…
Scrolling down further, the article went into detail about Tish Black, lead singer and member of Churlish Slither, an indie punk rock band that had sounds that were inspired by the original UK punk rock scene of the late 70s.
Why the hell would this woman send shifters after me?
He shook his head again. It didn’t make any sense. He’d never met the woman, and here she was trying to shake him down. For what? A signing?
Well, she was going to be sorely mistaken when her EP ended up on his desk, only for him to toss it right into the trash as soon as he saw the headliner.
Tossing his phone into the passenger seat, he pulled away from his spot and headed out of the parking garage. His fingers tapped at the screen on his dash, pulling up his recent call list and finding his secretary’s direct line.
She picked up on the second ring. “K-Town Records, this is ...”
“Hey, it’s me.”
“Mr. Kirby! Hi! Why are you calling? Isn't this your day off?”
He snorted. “I need you to find out some information for me.”
“Sure, what’s going on?”
“Have you ever heard of Tish Black? Churlish Slither?”
“Um … no. I can’t say I have.”
“Can you find out what their deal is? I just got a big shakedown in the parking garage to stay away from her.”
She gasped. “Are you all right, Mr. Kirby?”
He grunted. “Yeah, just pissed. Can you send me whatever you find?”
“Certainly. I’ll get started on it right away.”
“You’re the best.”