Page 20 of Heads or Tails
Joshua watched him holding a grin. "You're hiding something. I know it."
Dylan waved him off, going back to paying attention. He, however, couldn't deny everything. He was in a splendid mood, and he could thank Rose for that. He didn't even care if he was admitting it so early.
The meeting went by in a breeze, and Dylan hurried as he had plans for the rest of the day. He was taking Rose out for their third date, and he wanted it to be a casual, relaxing time. He didn't want anything to move too quickly. He was ready for that, but he didn't think she was.
He texted her the other night, hoping they could go to two places for the date. He wanted to take her to his favorite record store, which just happened to be right across the street from one of his favorite casual dining areas. He was over the moon when Rose said it sounded like a great idea.
He drove toward that part of town, his mind swimming with thoughts about Rose. He kept thinking of their first date and how he instantly fell for her. He could still remember just how much he enjoyed it.
He thought about their second date, going out to dinner, and then finally sleeping with her. Being with her, feeling her skin under his palms, was unlike anything he'd ever known. He understood now why shifters couldn't be kept from their mates. The world just wasn't right when she wasn't around.
His stomach was doing flips. He was excited to see her again. He loved this feeling and never wanted to lose it. He knew that half of this emotion was from her being his mate, and the other half was just because of who she was.
He parked his car and waited, but it wasn't for long. Rose pulled up a few minutes after him and got out of a cab. His heart skipped a beat as he took her in. Her hair was curlier today, and she wore gentle makeup to go with her outfit. She wore a long skirt with saxophones and a black blouse. Her black heels gave her an inch or two more ... and her curves. God, she looked phenomenal.
She smiled at him as she walked toward his car. "Hey, did I make you wait long?"
Dylan smiled. "Not at all." He pushed himself off his car and took her in for a hug. Rose accepted, and he pulled her head up, giving her a kiss.
Dylan meant to keep it sweet and simple, but his mind had other plans after seeing her. He kissed her roughly, pulling her closer to him. Rose leaned into it, and it only egged Dylan on. He pulled her back, pressing her against the car, and his mouth devoured her.
Rose gripped onto his shirt, her fingernails digging into the fabric as he pulled her deeper. Dylan could kiss her all day and easily slip her into his car and fuck her. He wanted her badly. But Dylan also knew that wasn't casual. Today was supposed to be simple.
He gave her a final soft kiss before pushing himself back. He pulled himself together the best he could. Rose's face was flushed red, and she had to steady herself against the car. She looked at him with lust in her eyes, and he knew she had no problem with what he did.
"Someone missed me," she said, fixing her blouse. Dylan smirked as he could see part of her bra. "If I had known that was waiting for me, I would have left sooner."
Dylan chuckled, reaching a hand out to help her off the car. Rose leaned into him, and he felt his heart skip a beat as he took in her sweet scent. He pulled her closer, never wanting to let go.
"So, the record store," Rose chirped. "Do you have several you like or just the one?"
Dylan gave her a wicked grin. "I have several, but the owner here is the nicest. Open to finding hard records and recordings that sometimes you can't get your hands on. But let's keep that on the down-low, or people will know, and I don't want them to know that secret."
Rose nodded, giggling as she looked at him. "Well, how sweet." She pointed to the restaurant across the street. "And your favorite dining area?"
"They serve the most amazing pasta." Dylan looked down at her. "Do you trust me enough to believe me?"
Rose chuckled, placing her hand on his chest. "I trust you enough to make a good third date."
Dylan reminded himself this was the third date. This was still early for a human, and he gave her a smile. She trusted him, and that was what mattered.
Dylan pulled her closer as they started down the road. Rose leaned into him, looking around the block. "This place is beautiful."
"Almost as much as you," he said, and Rose gave him a look. He snorted. "I mean it. You look very nice today. Love the skirt. The kids must love it."
"They do," she said, holding a soft smile. "I have another that has pianos. The kids just adore them."
"Do you really? I'll have to see that. I bet you look just as good as you do now."
"Well, maybe on our next date," she said, wrapping her hands around his. Dylan liked how that sounded. Another date.
They continued down the sidewalk, stepping up to the doorway of the record store. He smiled at Rose as he pulled the door open, allowing her to walk through first. He watched her ass as she walked, wondering if she was wearing her red panties once more.
He stepped in after her, and his body froze as he looked at the display case to their right. There was a picture of Jazzy wearing a black dress before one of her performances, with a memorial plaque that readgone but not forgottenon it. Jazzy's date of birth was written with her death date. A collection of her records sat next to it, causing Dylan's stomach to jump into his mouth.
Rose stopped next to him, holding a sad scowl. "I remember this," she said, reaching forward and placing a hand on the display. "I remember reading about it in the newspaper and hearing about it on the street. Our principal gave a talk about looking for signs of suicide to all the teachers soon after her death." Rose dropped her hand, "God, so sad. She had so much potential. It's terrible she got caught up in drugs and that her only way out was committing suicide. I can't believe it was only a year ago."
Dylan felt the sudden need to vomit. He wanted to rip out his hair and scream at the top of his lungs. Here he was on a date having a wonderful time, and he stopped thinking about Jazzy.