Page 18 of Heads or Tails
Fire leaned back. "It sounds like it was a stunning date."
"Right!" Wind squealed. "Like out of a movie."
"But there is the big question," Moon started, making everyone look at Rose. "Are you going to see him again?"
Rose thought to herself, knowing she wanted to. She had a wonderful time with him, and she felt they had a moment. The way they spoke with each other and how it just seemed right. She felt there was something between them.
"I hope so." She said, giving them a gentle smile, "We had a great time, but we haven't decided on another date or anything. We hardly know each other after all."
"Sounds like you know each other pretty well," Fire chirped. "At least, most of each other. Sounds like you guys clicked."
All of a sudden, Rose's phone vibrated, and she dug around in her purse, looking for it. She blinked, surprised to see Dylan had messaged her.
Moon gasped next to her, pointing at Rose's phone. "He texted her!"
"Already?" Wind asked, looking insulted. "It's too early to text someone."
"Oh, hush!" Fire barked softly, hitting Rose, "What does it say?"
Moon nodded at Rose, edging her to read the message out loud. Rose swallowed her nerves before she spoke up.
"Hey, I had a great time with you. Wondering if we could meet up again sometime. Maybe talk about something else besides just our love for music. Let me know."
Wind gasped. "He was bored!"
"He was not!" Moon argued, kicking Wind underneath the table. "Don't say that."
"Why else wouldn't he want to just talk about music?" Wind barked. "Did you do something bad on the date you aren't telling us?" She looked at Rose, waiting for an example.
Rose shook her head. "No, I was great." Rose frowned, worried for a split second. "I think I was great." She stared at the message. Had she done something wrong?
"The message is simple," Moon said, "which is what you want. If he had said less, you'd know he was bored, and if he had said more, you'd know he's crazy. It's a good balance."
"How would you know?" Fire asked, holding a smirk. "Have a secret to tell us?"
Rose rolled her eyes. "You guys. I've got this. I know how to date."
"Tell him something simple back," Moon said, and Rose waved her hand, typing out a response as she shooed them. She didn't need the girls to help her. She'd gotten herself this far already.
Sounds good. Think of a time and place later. Talk to you soon
Rose tossed her phone back into her purse, and the girls now looked at her with serious expressions. Rose frowned. "What?"
"Did you tell him?" Wind asked, leaning closer, "About the band at all? Or does he just think you're the perfect music teacher that has no dark side to her?"
Rose swallowed. She had worried about that. Worried that if she had told him, the girls would be upset. How would he take it? Would he think it was weird? Would he tell people?
She shook her head, sighing deeply. "No, I didn't. We only talked about my teaching and nothing more."
Moon tilted her head. "Why?"
"Are you worried we would care?" Wind asked, pushing herself back in her chair.
"Honestly." Rose shrugged. "I guess I worried about other things as well. There were a lot of factors to consider."
"Like?" Fire asked, taking a sip of her drink.