Page 26 of Broken Princess
“I’m back. How do I tell where I'm at?” The line crackles with static as more lightning strikes in the distance. Or what I thought was the distance until the boat explodes around me, tossing me into the raging water.
* * *
She was there. For a split second. We’ve been on the water with the Coast Guard for over an hour, and when we heard Aria’s voice, I almost fucking cried.
“Gentlemen, we’ve lost her. However, we ascertained her location.” He points in the distance, and I see the smoke and flames.
“The boat exploded?” I shout, leaving the warmth of the cockpit and striding to the tip of the bow, trying to get a closer look. To get to Aria. “Can’t you go any fucking faster? She could be burning alive!”Again.I don’t say it out loud, but as I feel two hands on my shoulders, to see Severo and my dad, Dimitri, they all know I’m thinking it.
Turning around, I lay my eyes on King, one of the strongest, most ruthless men I know, standing with a blank expression on his face as rain pelts his skin. There’s no emotion in his movements as he takes measured steps closer. He’s been here before too. Felt the despair. The agony of not knowing.
“She’ll be alright,” Dimitri assures, and I don’t know if it’s for me and Ro or King. “She’s smart and resourceful. A little fire isn’t going to extinguish her flame.”
Inch by inch. Mile by mile. We get closer as pieces of wood and fiberglass begin floating past us in a blur until finally, we’re upon the wreckage.
“This is the US Coast Guard! Aria Adair, if you hear us, blow the whistle on your life vest.” A few minutes go by, and nothing, as spotlights search the water for their bodies. The message is repeated until finally, I hear it.
“Over there!” I shout, pointing to where I see two forms on a hunk of the hull, floating and hanging on for dear life.
Noticing the coast guards moving towards the life preserver, I follow along. “You have to stay here, sir.” One man holds a hand up to stop me while another shakes his head. Knowing there’s nothing that will deter me from going after my girl—our girl—Severo stands beside me with an extra life vest as he puts one on.
The closer we get to the women, the easier it is for me to recognize that Aria is bleeding from her head, leg, and side. I don’t know if it’s from debris or fire, but I don’t intend on waiting to find out. With less than twenty feet from us, I can see the absolute terror in her eyes as she attempts to hang on to the unconscious woman beside her and keep them both afloat.
“Fuck this,” I hiss a second before diving into the water. Is it the brightest move as a wave swallows me? No. But I won’t stop before my baby is in my arms.
Noticing her frantically kicking feet, I begin my trek through the frigid water and don’t stop until I swim to the top. Breaching the surface, I quickly wrap an arm around her waist and grip the hull she’s clinging to.
“What are you doing?” she screams at me while crying into my neck.
“Saving my girl,” I respond. “Wrap your arms around me; I’ve got Kelsey.” Aria’s arms and legs cling to me like a lifeline as I keep them both steady.
“You could have died,” she chatters.
“So could you. Wasn’t willing to risk it.” Kissing her temple, I savor the feeling of her safe in my arms. Eyeing up the woman who nearly destroyed any future we could have had, the desire to let her drown is overpowering, but I can’t do that with so many witnesses around.
“I wanted to leave her. Let her suffer the way she hoped for me to.” Aria’s teeth continue to chatter. “I wanted her to know what Tristan felt when you destroyed him because, Seven, she wished to hurt me like he did.”Christ.The shit she’s been through.
“You’re better than her, princess. Causing harm isn’t within you.” The rescue boat is only feet from us now.
Her cold and shaking hands grab my face. “But it is in my blood, and I need her to suffer.” Her eyes speak louder than her words. She’s begging me to hurt this girl. With a quick nod, I let her know that whatever she desires will happen.
“Bring them over,” one of the coasties calls out.
“Aria first.” When Severo reaches out, glaring at me, his face softens when Aria cries out for him. Easily tugging her into the boat, he cradles our girl in his lap.
“The other woman?” a man asks, and I gaze down at Kelsey, her eyes fluttering open. I see the moment awareness hits, and she realizes that she’s not only bound but in the water, and her life hangs in my hands.
“I should let you drown, bitch.” Panic widens her eyes. “I should make you suffer for even thinking you could torture Aria. She wants me to, you know? I want to, too.” My eyes swivel to see Aria and Severo watching our exchange. “But my woman is compassionate and kind. Everything right in this world, and she doesn’t deserve another second of thinking about you and the regret your death would cause her.” Tears swim in her vision.
“Sir!” The guard calls again.
“Thank her for your life, and then she’ll never think of you again.” Handing her over to the rescuer reaching for her, I wait until she’s in the boat before accepting the helping hands reaching for me just as another wave throws the water into chaos.
* * *