Page 22 of Broken Princess
Strolling down the dock, the water is calm today, and I look forward to an afternoon on the boat. Hopefully, mending a friendship I had no idea would wind up broken. I’ve been sad about it because I don’t have many friends outside of Hadley, Lake, and Scotlyn, butthey’refamily. We’ll always be stuck with each other. Kelsey was different. She didn’t stare at the scars or ask what happened. She didn’t make fun of me. Losing her isn’t something I want to do, but I won’t put up with the way she’s been acting either. I don’t deserve it.
“Aria!” I see her leaning over the side of her family’s small sailboat, waving with a bright smile. Relief overcomes me at seeing her so open.
“Hi! I’m glad you texted. I didn’t like the way we left things.” Her smile dims slightly, but I push it to the side because it wasn’t a happy memory, and she might be embarrassed. “Where are we going?” A change in subject is needed.
“I was thinking lunch in Butcherpen Cove?” I nod enthusiastically because we’ve done it a few times, usually with Hadley and Lake. The cove has a beautiful view of Pensacola Bay and the Gulf Islands.
“Anything you need help with?” Gazing up at her as she’s untying us from the dock, Kelsey shakes her head no.
“Once we get on the water, you can go down to the galley and make lunch if you want. I brought everything for sandwiches and strawberries that need to be cut.” Nodding, I help her secure the rope as she takes the helm and guides us out to the bay.
Sitting on one of the lounge chairs at the bow, I watch other water lovers enjoy the beautiful day with clear skies and soft waves. The worry and stress I was feeling all morning have melted away, and it feels like old times with a good friend. Relief makes me giddy.
“If you want to get started on lunch, I’ll be down to help in a few minutes.” Kelsey grins as I look back at her and nod. Making my way down to the cramped kitchen, I open the fridge to see everything she said was here and begin pulling it all out. “Did you bring a swimsuit?” I hear her call down.
“I didn’t think about that.” In truth, I’m not comfortable with it. Even if I’m with a friend.
“There’s an extra one-piece in the room if you want. Nobody will see us; it’s quiet out here today.” Shrugging, I know I need to get over my insecurities, to at least try and trust that my friend won’t stare or make me self-conscious.
“Thanks, I think I will.” I smile up at her as I walk past the opening to the small room. Once the door is closed, I see the bathing suit laying on the bed with the tags still on.
Picking it up, I stare at it. Nerves make my hands shake, and I wonder if I'm strong enough. But before I can even decide if I’m going to back out or not, I hear a lock click in place.
Panicked, I slam into the door and begin tugging. “Kelsey? What happened?”
“They can’t have you,” she says, and her voice sounds robotic.
“Kelsey, open the door!” Keeping my cool is getting harder and harder by the second. “Kelsey, please open the door!”
“She’s mine. You’re mine.” I can hear her retreating as she talks to herself. When I feel the boat make a sharp turn, fear penetrates my body. Rushing to the window, I see her heading towards the 98 bridge, which leads out to the Gulf of Mexico. We’ve never left the bay before.
“Kelsey, stop!” I scream, but she ignores me, and then I hear the slamming of the latch that leads down here. “Kelsey, we can’t go out there! Kelsey!” I keep yelling her name and banging on the door, but I get no response.
She could take me anywhere.
Do anything.
It’s happening again, and I still can’t stop it.
Dropping down onto the bed, I drag my phone out of my pocket. I already know I won’t have service, but I can send a message, and if we reach an area that does, it could go through.
There are so many people I want to send loving messages to, but I stick with Seven and Severo because I know if anyone has the ability to find me, to get me out of this, it’s them. It will always be them.
Help! I’m with Kelsey on her boat. Going towards the gulf. It’s 12:33 now, please, find me. But if you don’t, one night with the two of you was worth every second of pain I’ve ever suffered.
Hitting send, I allow myself a few minutes to mourn what could be the end of my future. I’m not ready to give up, not by a long shot, but I need to prepare for the worst too. And as long as there’s no fire involved, I think I can handle Kelsey. I just need to outsmart her.
Pulling up in front of Aria’s home, I breathe a little easier. Being away from her, even for a couple of hours, has been harder than I would have thought. But we get to see her now. Touch her, kiss her. I can handle anything so long as I’ve got her.
Our trip to Mobile took a couple hours longer than expected because Castle wanted to show us around their outfit. The man beamed with pride as he explained what they’d been doing over the years, and I can’t blame him. He built his MC from the ground up after his father passed away and some of the more crooked members were hauled off to prison for one thing or another.
Like us, they work hard to do good for those who need it, but it’s the illegal shit that helps fund everything. Good and evil, light and dark, we all exist in a world of gray. Nothing is perfect.
“Let’s get this over with so we can take our girl home.” Severo jumps out of the Tahoe like he’s a kid at a carnival. Excitement has him rushing up the steps to the front door just as thunder slowly begins to roll through.