Page 35 of Fervor
All good things must come to an end, and our little pre-honeymoon ended the next day.
My family was cool as fuck; no one said anything about our fucked-up shit. We all sat around the breakfast table, gabbing like old times. I saw mom's secret smiles and felt pretty sure she was in our corner. The only wild card was Connie; like I said before, that bitch is insane.
Of course, she had to say something. I let her say her piece; after all, she was the least of our worries. I'd know after she was through if I needed to fuck her shit up or not because I was dead serious about what I said; if anyone was against us, they could go fuck themselves.
"So I've got only one thing to say." The whole fucking table went quiet. My girl looked like she lost a little color, so I took her hand, giving her a little squeeze to let her know I had her back; I would bitch slap my sister-in-law if she got out of hand; I think my whole family pretty much knew that including Connie herself.
"They've all decided to forgive you..."
"No, Brian, let her finish." I put my arms around Butterfly, drawing her into me.
"Right, as I was saying, they've forgiven you; I'm withholding judgment until further notice, but know this, if you fuck with him again, I'll take your ass down." She sipped her coffee. She was done. Okay, I had to give her that; it could've been worse.
Tiffany, of course, had to put in her two cents.
"Well, I have something to say...SPA DATE. " She clapped her hands like a kid in a candy store.
Of course, my mom and Connie jumped on that bandwagon. Butterfly looked at me with tears in her eyes; this meant they'd accepted her again. We'd already called and talked to Steve; he was just happy his little girl was pulling through. Of course, now he wanted to know about the setup and shit, but I convinced him to give us a couple of days of happy time before we dealt with the fuckery again.
"I'll call right now and make the appointments, and not to worry, they're extremely discreet."
Fuck, say what now?
"She's not going to any spa without me."
"Oh, Gage come on, she'll be perfectly fine; no one knows you're here; we should be perfectly safe." Mom might be right, but I didn't give a fuck. Damn, I didn't expect to feel this nervous about her going out in public again, especially without me. Well, Maddox, you're just gonna have to get over it. You're not fucking joined at the hip. Yeah, motherfucker? Well, not today though fuck that it was too soon.
"She's not going without me." Yeah, that was my don't fuck with me voice. They knew the deal.
"Why don't we all go? I could go for a massage." Dad to the rescue.
"Sounds like a plan you in, Brian?"
"Fuck yeah, I need to get a bikini wax." The douche batted his lashes at me. Connie took care of that with a slap behind the head.
"Hey, what was that for?"
"For being a big girl."
"Of course, my Derrick's in. He loves being pampered." Talk about big girls; when did Derrick give his balls to my sister anyway? Was there some kind of ceremony for the event? Just saying.