Page 14 of Fervor
Was this dude high out of his fucking gourd? Was he really blaming me for his sister’s infidelity?
"She's dying, man."
What the fuck did he just say?
"What, who?" My heart was in my fucking throat.
"Suzette, man, who the fuck do you think? She's dying, I watched my sister fall apart, and it was worse than when we were kids, and mom left. I thought I would never have to see her like that again; that's why we've always been so protective of her. When she hurts, she really hurts, and right now, man, she's in a really bad place."
I can't hear this shit, didn't want to hear this shit; fuck me, what was I supposed to do with this? I didn't think it was selfish of me to distance myself from the situation. I'm the motherfucker that got cheated on; I'm the one on the TV and the front page looking like a sap; how was I to blame for her misery? What the fuck was I supposed to do now? Why the fuck should I care that she was in a bad place? Because you do, Maddox. Man the fuck up and own your feelings. Doctor Phil sounding motherfucker, now even my own subconscious was fucking with me.
"Look, Jonas, I appreciate you telling me this, but I don't know what you want from me; I can't do this right now."
"So that's it, huh? One little slip in judgment, and you fuck her life away."
"Listen, asshole; I didn't tell your sister to get in a fucking car with a married man. I didn't tell her to let him dry hump her on the side of the fucking street in fucking LA. Why don't you ask her about this shit instead of putting it on me?"
"I can't ask her shit don't you understand? She's damn near catatonic."
"I don't see how that can be true, seeing as how she's been texting me every day."
"Yeah, in her more lucid moments, but tell me this asshole, when is the last time you actually spoke to her?"
Okay, he had a point, but she has been texting me regularly. Oh yeah, Maddox, and what has she been saying? Please forgive me. Fuck, the same thing over and over.
"Listen, Jonas; I have to think about this. Let me catch you later." I hung up before he could answer. Looks like my day was starting out with a bang. Fuck my life.