Page 10 of Midlife Leopard's Sweet Angel
“Well, I was there when you had nowhere to go and no idea what to do. So, I mean, what if when things calm down for you, you realize what you thought were feelings for me were really just gratitude or maybe just desperation?”
“Never gonna happen,” he says.
“But what if he does?”
He sighs and says, “It won’t. But if it does happen, it’ll happen when the crisis is past, right? I don’t think having a little girl is a crisis that will ever pass.”
I giggle again and he pulls up to the front of the hotel. It’s far nicer than it needs to be. “This place is expensive, isn’t it?” I ask.
He smiles. “I bring my low-class women to the cheaper places in town.”
I raise an eyebrow, “Oh, I see. Well, I’m glad I rate a three-star place instead of the roach motel.”
“It’s four-star, actually.”
“I don’t know about that,” I say. “No self-respecting four-star hotel would let two people rent a room for a night just to fornicate.”
“Clearly you haven’t been to many four-star hotels,” he quips.
I giggle and follow him inside.
We manage to make it to the elevator before clothes start coming off but it’s a good thing there’s no one in the hallway when we reach our floor.
As soon as we’re in the room, I drop to my knees. This isn’t the first time I’ve used my mouth on Raymond but this is the first time I’ve felt such urgency to make him cum that way.
I realize that my motives at the moment aren’t selfish after all. I don’t want this so I can feel good, I want this so Raymond can feel good. I remember the way I felt when my husband died and I realized I would have to raise Caleb and Carly on my own. Raymond is in the same situation as I was and I want desperately for him to feel something other than the fear and grief and worry that will battle for space in his mind for months if not years to come.
When he cums in my mouth, I cry out and feel my own body begin to shake with orgasm. Only then do I realize I’ve been rubbing my clit while sucking his cock. I keep sucking until he’s completely empty but he remains hard and as soon as I pull my mouth off of him, he lifts me into the air and sits me on his cock.
A few minutes later, I have to admit that it’s pretty nice to feel good too.
The morning starts like any other. I wake up and quickly shower before waking up angel and getting her downstairs for breakfast. While she watches nature documentaries, I hop in the shower and get myself cleaned up. Then, it’s her turn for a bath and I get some work done on my phone while I sit in the bathroom with her. An hour after she wakes, she’s dressed for daycare, which is right next door. It’s been the last five months now that daycare for Angel is just next door at Kelly’s place.
At the door, Kelly meets us and Angel throws her arms around her legs and then scoots around her to bug Carly and Caleb before they go to school. Angel puts her arms around me and kisses me good morning and then kisses me goodbye and wishes me a good day at work. It’s strange to realize work, which used to be the most important thing in my life, is now of secondary importance.
The truth is that I don’t need to work. My shop is very successful and the mechanics who work for me can handle the business well enough. The problem is that thinking is based on before. They can handle it well enough for me when my only responsibility is me. Now, I have to think about Angel and what she might need. I guess I’m also thinking about what I will leave for her when I leave the world behind.
I go to the shop and work a full, productive day and it’s only as I drive home that I think about the routine that defines my life now. All of my weekdays are like this. After work, I’ll run into my house for a shower and then head over to Kelly’s place. Today, she’ll have dinner made. Tomorrow, we’ll order something to eat at my place, but the point is we eat together. In fact, we’ll spend the rest of the evening together with the kids. On Fridays, the sitter takes the kids right at dinner time and the two of us spend time alone. On Saturdays, we do some sort of an outing and on Sundays, we usually take everyone out to a late breakfast in the morning and just laze about the rest of the day.
It's like we’re one family but living in two different houses.
I have to admit, I’d really love it if we were in the same house. Although she’s just next door, I long for the ability to fall asleep next to her, to wake and see her next to me on the bed. I’m certainly not complaining about how things are and I’m certainly not unhappy, but it would definitely be nice to not have to hop from house to house every day.
It occurs to me we haven’t talked about changing that.
Then it occurs to me that things are going so well at the moment that maybe it’s a bad idea to change anything right now.
Of course, it occurs to me right after that I ought to talk to her about it. Naturally, I doubt that idea just a moment later. That’s the see-saw I deal with for about two hours until finally, I check and determine they can manage without me and head out. I give Kelly a call and when she answers, I say, “I’ll be home early today. Couple of hours. Want me to pick anything up?”
“Ooooh!” she says in the cutest voice. “What’s the occasion?”
I chuckle and say, “I just feel like it. Perks of being the owner, I guess.”
She says, “Well there, Mr. Owner, the kids get home at about three. What if we got some movies for them and some movies for us? They can have the living room at your place, and we can have the den.”