Page 21 of Fake Wedding Date
Heat and intense sensation flooded my body, and I groaned deep in my throat as I climaxed hard. Fireworks seemed to appear behind my closed eyelids, and I held her even tighter as I emptied myself inside of her body.
I had a moment of regret that she was on the pill, because I could just imagine how gorgeous she’d look with her stomach swollen in pregnancy.
That’s crazy,I told myself. I was getting too caught up in the moment.
But the image didn’t leave my mind, even as I pulled out and she stood up straight, turning to face me. I never thought about having more kids before, and maybe it wouldn’t actually happen, but I sure as hell enjoyed going through the motions like this.
I grabbed her body wash and loofa. “I’m going to wash you now,” I said, and she nodded.
But before I could start, Sage put a hand on my cheek. Holding my eyes, she went up onto her tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips.
I felt a rush of deep affection for her, and I had the undeniable feeling that this woman had just ruined me for anyone else—and I didn’t mind one bit.
That night, the bachelorette party was in full swing. We were in the same banquet hall where the welcome party had been held just a few days ago, and I was having a blast. Tatum, the maid of honor and Faith’s best friend, had really outdone herself with this get together.
She’d arranged for a company that specialized in romance products to come host the party, bringing samples of intimate items and introducing us to naughty games. Faith was currently going through their catalogue with a red boa around her neck and a tiny black dress that had the word BRIDE printed across her chest. She was already trashed, but I considered that to be a good thing.
I was standing at the bar, where there was a massive selection of jello shots. I hadn’t any of these since my college days, but it turned out there were some things that a person never forgot. The skill of using my tongue to scoop the jello into my mouth was one of them. I had just tossed back a blue raspberry one made with vodka when Tatum approached me.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” she asked with a knowing smile.
I was getting pretty drunk, and she could probably tell.
“Of course. Who doesn’t like winning a game of pin the penis on the fireman?”
I gestured to the life-sized poster on the wall where I had managed to get closer than anyone else to putting the sticker of the penis on the naked man. I’d won a bottle of flavored lube for my efforts.
“And what about your time on the island?” Tatum asked. “I hear that you’ve been spending a lot of time with Briggs.Andpeople are saying that you two are dating.”
“Well...there might be something going on between us,” I admitted, my mind conjuring up the memory of our shower together this afternoon.
“Something?” She tipped her head curiously. “What’s that mean?”
I couldn’t really answer that question. Briggs and I hadn’t talked about what we really were. This whole thing had started as a way to trick my mom and Cole. And so far, it had worked out great. But it didn’t feel fake. It never really had.
We slept together today, but what did that mean for him? It was probably the best sex I’d ever had, and I was developing real feelings for him, but I didn’t know where his head was at.
Now wasn’t the time to figure it out. I pushed those questions and doubts to the back of my mind. I was going to enjoy the party and talk to Briggs about all of this later.
“It means that we aredefinitelyenjoying our time on the island,” I said, handing her a jello shot.
“I’ll drink to that,” Tatum said, and the two of us took our shots.
Not long after that, the festivities turned into a dance party. A DJ came in, playing music while his roaming, multi-colored lights swept around the room. I joined everyone else on the dance floor, letting loose. The alcohol was affecting me, making me feel light-headed, as if I was floating. I couldfeelthe dance music in my body, and I moved with it. It was freeing and I completely lost track of time.
When the party finally ended, it was late and we all headed back upstairs to our rooms. Both elevators arrived on the eighth floor at the same time, and we all filed out. My pace was slow and unsteady from the alcohol. I was at the back of the group, and my room was at the end of the hall, so by the time I was standing in front of it, digging around in my purse for my room key, everyone else was already inside. The hallway was completely empty.
Finally, I found the key card, so I used it to unlock the door. I had just started to push it open when I felt a presence behind me. Turning, I was startled to see that it was Cole. He was standing alone, and for some reason, that realization made me sober up read quick.
“Hello, Sage,” he said, his grin reminding me of a snake that was about to devour a mouse whole. “I was hoping I’d catch you alone.”
“You were waiting for me?” I asked, my sense of foreboding getting worse as he stepped uncomfortably closer.
“Not really. I was in the hotel bar when I saw the party end and all of you heading upstairs. So, I followed.”