Page 22 of Shatter (Shattered 2)
“I know being a single parent isn’t easy. I was a single mom for three years before Ian stepped into the picture. Things still weren’t smooth sailing. He and I had a lot of dark moments together. We had a lot of times that we called it quits before we finally got it right. But Ian kept coming back. He never gave up completely. So, I want to thank you for not giving up on Bailey.” I swallowed past the large lump in my throat. I didn’t deserve her kindness. I didn’t deserve any kindness, really. I was the one who did this to Bailey. “I know it’s tough, especially with the kind of upbringing you had,” I roughly cleared my throat, “but I’m glad you’re not turning your back on her and this baby.”
It wasn’t often that someone understood how I was feeling. Yet, Bailey had, and now, so had her mom.
This family was a fucking miracle.
“I love her,” I said softly, making sure my voice didn’t carry beyond the kitchen. It was the first time I’d spoken those words out loud, but they were the truth. I knew it deep in my bones.
I fucking loved her.
Her smile softened. “I know you do, Seth. Love is not easy. It’s not a fairytale. As long as you keep that in mind, as long as you keep fighting to keep her with you, it’ll all work itself out in the end.”
I was hoping and praying that she was right because I was ready to have Bailey as mine again.
I just had to be patient.
Because love—love was patient.
* * *
Bailey came downstairs wearinga pair of jeans that were now too big for her, considering all of the weight she had lost, her black combat style boots, and a plain, black hoodie. I offered her a warm smile as I held my hand out to her. “Want me to give you a ride?”
She nodded. Once she placed her hand in mine, I laced our fingers together and led her out to my truck. “Can I get you to eat breakfast?” I asked her.
She pursed her lips before finally looking up at me. “Yeah, breakfast sounds okay.”
Finally, a win.
Smiling, I helped her up into the passenger side of my truck before I strode around to get into the driver’s side. “What do you feel like eating?” I asked her.
“Something light,” she answered. “I don’t eat that much anymore, so it’s hard to stomach anything too solid.”
I nodded in understanding, heading towards the only twenty-four-hour diner we had in town. Other diners were open, but I knew this one sold soup all day long. A bowl of soup would be perfect for Bailey to eat; it would be light on her stomach and still, hopefully, fill her up. And honestly, as long as she ate something, I didn’t care what she ate.
When we got to the diner, I was surprised to see Brayden there. He looked up when the bell above the door chimed and smiled at Bailey.
What the fuck was he doing here?
“Did you invite him?” I quietly asked her.
She looked up at me, ripping her eyes from him. Confusion shone in the depths of her eyes. “No. I told him you and I were getting food before I came over to his place, but that was it.”
Reluctantly, I led her over to his table. She took a seat across from him, and before he could move to sit beside her, I sat, shooting him a smug smirk when Bailey wasn’t looking. He rolled his eyes before aiming his charming smile at Bailey.
I was glad it didn’t seem to work on her. Her expression stayed the same. She didn’t even look eager to see him like she always did for me. There was no longing for him.
But she longed for me, and fuck, I’d take everything I could get.
While he talked her ear off about bullshit I knew she didn’t give two fucks about, I rested my hand on her thigh, slowly rubbing my thumb in soothing circles to remind her she wasn’t alone. Because I knew how that could feel. How many times had I been in a room full of people and yet felt like I was the only person there?
I wasn’t making the same mistakes with Bailey twice. And this time, I would take my time with her, show her that I truly meant what I said—I wasn’t leaving. She was stuck with me.
Our food was brought over. Brayden frowned at her bowl of soup, opening his mouth to say something. I roughly kicked him under the table, shooting him a dark look when he glared at me. If he said something to her about her choice of food, she may not eat. And she needed to eat—not only for herself, but for the baby as well.
He thankfully got the memo and shut his mouth. I shoved a forkful of eggs into my mouth, discreetly keeping an eye on Bailey as she ate while Brayden held a conversation with her. Well, more like talked to himself, but she nodded in appropriate places to make it seem like she was listening. I bet if I asked her what the hell he was talking about though, she’d have no idea.
Before long, she had finished her entire bowl of soup. I gently squeezed her thigh and shot her a proud smile. Her cheeks warmed. Her eyes lit up.
And my fucking soul lit up at the brief flash of my old Bailey.
She was coming back to me—slowly but surely.
I just had to keep gently pushing her along.