Page 14 of Shatter (Shattered 2)
“Okay,” I whispered.
He brushed the backs of his fingers down my cheek before walking off, his hands shoved in the pockets of his hoodie.
“Bailey, do you know what the fuck you’re doing?” Jacob asked me once Seth turned the corner, finally out of my view.
I drew in a deep breath and turned to face him, shrugging at him. “I don’t know,” I admitted. Jacob frowned at me, concern flickering through his eyes. “All I know is that I’m tired of feeling like this,” I whispered. Jacob’s eyes widened, surprised I was actually admitting how I was feeling for once. I swallowed past the sudden lump in my throat. “And if he makes me feel better, then so be it.”
Jacob released a heavy breath and pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. “I just don’t want to see you suffering even more, Bailey,” he said quietly.
Trust me, I didn’t either.
But I didn’t know what else to do.
* * *
Heard you and Seth are talking today after school. -Trent
I blewout a soft breath and sent a text back to my brother. Jacob was sitting beside me, playing Call of Duty on his phone. My lunch was sitting untouched in front of me, just like it normally did.
I was guessing he was the one who told Trent that I planned on talking to Seth.
Jacob told you? -Bailey
I watched as three dots appeared on my screen, letting me know that Trent was busy texting me back. I chewed nervously on my bottom lip, honestly worried about his reaction.
No. Seth texted me this morning, asking if it would be okay to try to mend things with you. I told him yes, so long as he asked you, and you agreed. -Trent
I sucked in a sharp breath of surprise. Jacob looked over at me, abandoning his game. “Bailey?”
I swallowed thickly, showing him my phone. Jacob’s lips thinned. “I don’t agree,” I knew he didn’t, “but your brother will go to the ends of this world to make you happy, Bailey. Just be careful, yeah?”
I nodded, though I wasn’t sure how careful I could be with Seth. He had a way of burning my soul.
But that fire? That burn?
It was the most amazing feeling of all, and I craved it. I needed it back in my life again.