Page 3 of Break (Shattered 1)
“Are you always so bitchy?” he bravely repeated.
I gritted my teeth. “Do you enjoy having balls?” I whispered back.
He frowned at me in confusion, but answered, “yes.”
I gave him a sickly-sweet smile. “Then politely shut the fuck up and stop talking to me before you lose them.” I turned back towards the front, gritting my teeth when I realized I had missed something important.
Fuck you, Seth Brinson.
A light knock sounded on the classroom door, halting the teacher’s droning speech. With an aggravated sigh, she walked over and opened it, revealing my Aunt Carla, the assistant principal. I hated having a family member that worked at the school, even if I never got into trouble. Trent had absolutely detested it since he didn’t stay out of trouble.
“Can I see Bailey out in the hall for a moment?” she asked my teacher. I frowned, mulling over the past few days in my head.
I hadn’t done anything that I was aware of.
The teacher nodded. She looked over at me with a raised eyebrow and impatiently gestured towards the door. Seth let out a low whistle. “Someone got in trouble,” he whispered, laughter in his voice.
I purposefully stepped on his shoe as I rounded my desk, making him mutter a curse under his breath.
I walked out into the hallway. Aunt Carla closed the door behind us so no one would hear what she had to say to me. “What’s going on with Gemma?” I frowned at her, confused as to what she was talking about. Gemma had been just fine this morning. “We caught her skipping school,” she explained at my confused look. “Gemma may be a wild girl, but this is out of her nature.”
She was right. It was. Gemma liked to get her kicks on after school. Not during.
“I don’t know. Did she look upset?” I asked my aunt, worry swirling in my gut for my best friend.
She sighed softly. Aunt Carla thought of Gemma as family just as my parents did. We’d literally been friends for that long. “She looked like she had been crying, but I couldn’t get anything out of her. I was hoping you could help.”
I shook my head at her. “She hasn’t mentioned anything to me.” I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. “I’ll talk to her during class change if I can find her.” I reached out and squeezed Aunt Carla’s hand. “I’m sure it’s nothing.” I frowned. “I probably just accidentally hurt her feelings about Trent.”
Aunt Carla didn’t look convinced, but she let me back into the classroom, dropping the subject. “So, what’s the punishment?” Seth asked me when I sat back down. “Detention?”
I glowered at him. “My only punishment is being stuck sitting next to you,” I retorted.
He laughed, but he left me alone the rest of the period, for which I was thankful. Seth may be hot, but he could be incredibly annoying.
When the bell rang, I got my stuff and walked out, trying to evade Seth, though I could feel his presence coming closer and closer to me.
It was annoying as shit. I really just wanted to be left alone.
I spun around on my heel. “What?” I snapped in annoyance. He barely stopped in time to keep from trampling all over me.
“Let me get your number.”
I rolled my eyes. “Surely you’ve got better lines than that shit,” I told him, not amused in the slightest.
He shrugged. “I don’t need to use lines, babe.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “You want my number?” I asked him. He grabbed his phone, those blue eyes locking on mine. I smirked.
“It’s—” I leaned in close to him, “go fuck yourself.”
With that, I spun around and marched off in search of my best friend.
* * *
Gemma walked upto me and grabbed my arm. “We need to go talk,” she whispered. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had been searching for her all fucking day with no luck. She hadn’t even been in our physics class after lunch, and I’d spent my entire lunch block searching for her.
I grabbed her arm and led her toward the restrooms. It was the end of the day, and though I would have much preferred to have this conversation in my car, I was currently carless. Mine had broken down a couple of weeks ago, and Trent called it a shitbox beyond repair and sent it off to the dumps.