Page 28 of Break (Shattered 1)
To say that I was fucking seething was a goddamn understatement.
I was ready to wreak destruction. My sister had passed out from crying in my arms, and after I carried her up to her room, I was too agitated to stay in the house. And in Dad’s fear of me destroying something, he forced me outside.
“I texted Seth,” Brandon said. Brandon, Gemma’s baby daddy, was Seth’s cousin. I’d texted him asking to bring Gemma home hoping she could help Bailey, but Bailey didn’t want anyone else but me. “He said he didn’t care.”
Dad put a hand on my arm, knowing that pissed me clean the fuck off. “That son of a bitch!” I roared. “She’s fucking pregnant with his baby—" I shook my head. “I’m kicking your fuckard of a cousin’s ass,” I snarled, storming over to my car.
“Trent, don’t do anything stupid,” Dad warned me.
I smirked. “You’ve got enough for bail money,” I remarked before I slid into my car and spun out of the driveway.
When I got to where Seth was staying with his older brother and Melanie, Melanie was getting out of her car, seeming to just be coming back from the grocery store. I got out of my car, slamming the door shut behind me. I was so pissed that I couldn’t even bring myself to be happy about seeing her. And she had been the center of my universe lately.
But no one came before Bailey. No one ever would.
She looked at me with wide eyes. “Trent, is everything okay?” she asked me, staying back from me a little, no doubt because she was afraid.
“No,” I snapped. “Where the fuck is Seth?”
I vaguely realized Brandon had followed me here, but I didn’t pay him a bit of mind. Melanie timidly let me up the porch. I gently squeezed her shoulder as I walked into the house. Seth was asleep on the couch like he didn’t have a fucking care in the world.
He was going to fucking have one today.
I yanked him up by the front of his shirt and tossed him across the room like he weighed nothing.
“What the fuck?!” he yelled at me as he stood up, fixing his shirt.
“A baby gets thrown into the mix, and you run out the fucking door like your balls have disappeared up inside your fucking body?!” I roared at him. “Earlier today, you would have dropped everything you had planned for her!”
“I don’t want anything to do with her!” Seth shouted at me. “And I sure as fuck don’t want a goddamn kid!”
“Why?” I yelled at him. “She didn’t make this goddamn baby by herself, Seth! She’s not like you! She can’t just walk away from this shit like it doesn’t goddamn matter!” I stalked towards him. “I’d ask if your balls had fucking dropped yet,” I sneered, “but seeing as my little sister is now knocked up with your baby, it seems at least one has.” I punched him before he could block it, sending him back to the floor. “So, grow bigger fucking balls, man up, and take charge of your shit, Seth!” I shouted at him. “She deserves more than this!”
“I don’t want a fucking baby! I don’t want to be a father!”
I yanked him up and slammed him against the wall. Brandon pulled me back from him. I noticed Brandon leaning against the wall, watching the shit show in front of him without a care in the world. It was typical as fuck of him. Brandon really didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself, really. At least, he never cared much about anyone in his family.
Couldn’t say I really blamed him.
“You think she wants this fucking baby?!” I yelled at him.
He just shrugged at me. “I don’t give a fuck, Trent. She can do whatever the fuck she wants—abort it, keep it, adopt it out. Don’t fucking care. But I don’t want it.”
I clenched my fists at my sides, refraining from pummeling his face in until he was eating through a goddamn tube.
“You don’t have the balls to fucking hit me again?” Seth taunted. Fucker was itching for a fight with me.
I stalked towards him, but my phone rang in my pocket with Bailey’s familiar ringtone. I forced my hands to relax, pulling my phone out.
“Nah; I can,” I promised him. “But I’m a fucking man that takes care of his responsibilities. My sister fucking needs me, and unlike you, I can keep my goddamn promises to her.”
With that, I stormed out of the house, answering her phone call. “I’m coming, little sis.”
She sniffled. “Okay,” she croaked.
Fuck you, Seth Brinson.