Page 26 of Break (Shattered 1)
Tears slid down my cheeks. My hands shook. “Mom,” I croaked. I shook my head unable to say anything else.
“Just take the test, honey. We’ll worry about everything else once we know the answer, okay?”
I shook my head, looking up at her. I was terrified. I couldn’t be pregnant.
“I’m scared,” I cried. Tears rushed down my cheeks. My chest caved. My world spiraled.
She wrapped me up in her arms. “I know it’s terrifying, sweetheart, but it’s a reality that we need to face, okay? Go take that test. I’ll be right here waiting on you.” She brushed some of my tears off my cheeks. “Just breathe, Bailey. You’re not alone. You’ve got me and your dad. Always.”
I managed to make it into the bathroom to take the test. After, I walked back out, pacing the room, biting at my nails, unable to sit still. Mom just watched me, still sitting there like she promised she would be.
The timer on her phone went off. I jerked in fright. I’d been so lost in my head that I had forgotten all about it.
Without a word, she went to look at the tests for me. When she came back, there was a frown on her face.
My entire world fucking crumbled around me.
“They’re both positive, Bailey.”
I sank to the floor, sobs wracking my chest. This wasn’t happening. I had so much ahead of me that I wanted to do.
Mom sank to her knees beside me. “Breathe, Bailey,” she ordered. “You’re going to have an anxiety attack.”
I sobbed harder, unable to control it all. Everything was spiraling out of control. I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. My entire body tingled. Darkness clouded my vision.
“Ian!” Mom yelled.
Dad rushed into the room a moment later. Immediately, he was beside me, his hand against my chest. “Bailey, breathe,” he ordered. “Look at me. Focus on me. Feel my hand, Bailey. Fucking breathe,” he commanded.
I found his wavering face. I wanted to scream as I sucked air into my lungs. “Dad,” I cried.
He wrapped me up in his arms, looking at my mom. She whispered the two words that changed all of our lives forever.
“She’s pregnant.”
“Fuck,” Dad whispered, running his hand over my hair. “Fuck.”
* * *
I pushedmy food around on my plate. I wasn’t nauseated anymore, but I couldn’t stomach a damn thing.
I was fucking pregnant.
How in the hell was I going to tell Seth? How could I tell him he was going to be a fucking dad? He was dealing with enough as it was.
But I knew I needed to tell him. I hadn’t made this baby by myself, after all.
“You need to eat, honey,” Mom said, taking a seat beside me.
I looked over at her. “I’m not hungry. I don’t want to eat,” I grumbled, pushing my plate away with a tired sigh.
I wanted to sleep until I woke up from this fucking nightmare. Believe me, I’d already tried pinching myself, but I was still praying for a miracle. I needed a different reality. That rubber band I’d been feeling was stretched taut, ready to pop.
“Don’t force her,” Dad quietly told Mom. “She’s trying to cope; you know that.”
“She needs to eat,” Mom told him. “It’s not just about her anymore.”