Page 21 of Break (Shattered 1)
Trent and Gemma were already inside the house when Seth and I pulled up. I looked over at him, swallowing nervously. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen once we stepped inside.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
Seth shrugged. “Your brother is just trying to help.”
I frowned. “Still, I’m sorry. For everything. For the shit I’ve caused and for the shit you’re going through.”
Seth sighed, his hand tightening on the steering wheel as he glared out of the windshield. “Not your fault, Bailey, so stop with the fucking apologizing.” He glanced over at me. “It’s annoying.”
I glared at him. “You’re a dick.”
He smirked. “There she is.” I frowned in confusion. What in the hell was that supposed to mean?
Seth slid out of the truck, leaving me to stare after him in bewilderment as he crossed around the front of the truck and came to the passenger side, opening my door for me. “You going to continue sitting there like an idiot, or are you going to get out so we can go inside?” he asked.
“Fuck you,” I seethed.
He just grinned and reached in, grabbing my waist to lift me down from the truck. Once my feet were on the ground, he caged me in against the side of his truck, the door blocking anyone from seeing us.
“I think you’re wound up too tight,” he whispered, his lips barely an inch from mine.
I swallowed thickly, knowing I was powerless against him. “My parents—”
His lips claimed mine, cutting off my protest. I moaned as he slid his hand between my legs, his thumb somehow quickly finding my clit as he rubbed me through my shorts, his lips swallowing every whimper and moan I made.
“Come. Now,” he growled against my lips before kissing me harder.
I clutched at his shoulder with my good hand, my head spinning, unable to breathe as an intense orgasm washed over me, leaving me panting and a bit weak in the knees as I slowly floated back down to Earth.
“Let’s go, you two!” my mom called from the porch.
Seth stepped back from me but shockingly grabbed my hand in his, shutting his truck door before walking up to the porch where my mom was waiting.
The moment her eyes landed on Seth’s face, she gasped, her eyes widening in horror. “My God,” she breathed as we walked up the steps. “Come on. Inside,” she ordered. “Seth, let’s take a look at you.”
“What do you want to see?” he cockily asked.
“Boy, don’t flirt with my wife,” my dad warned him as we walked inside.
Seth nodded. “Sorry. This shit isn’t easy for me.”
Dad nodded in understanding. “You’re deflecting, but deflecting doesn’t happen in this house. It’s not allowed. Get in that bathroom so my wife can look at your injuries.” Dad sent me a look. “Bailey, stay out here.”
Seth dropped my hand and followed my mom to the downstairs bathroom. I walked into the kitchen, going to grab a bottle of water.
“Something going on between you two?” my dad asked me when I walked into the kitchen. “Looked mighty fucking cozy together. Thought I ordered you two to stay away from each other.”
My cheeks burned, and I ducked my head. “No, Dad. We’re just friends,” I told him, and as far as I knew, those words were the truth. I had no idea where the fuck I stood with Seth right now.
It confused the hell out of me.
“You two sure don’t act like it,” he noted, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “Slept with him in his truck, doing God only knows what outside just now . . .” his voice trailed off. “I’m not stupid, Bailey.”
“I just . . .” My voice trailed off. I just didn’t fucking know. That’s what.
“You two have had sex together. I get it.” He sighed. “I don’t know what in the hell is going on with you two, but it looks like the boy wants more.”