Page 1 of Break (Shattered 1)
Iscrunched my nose up at my parents when I stepped into the kitchen that morning. They were so infatuated with each other, even after being together for a little over seventeen years. But honestly, I was also a bit envious. I knew most people didn’t get to experience the kind of love they shared.
Dad worshipped the ground Mom walked on, and though I gave them shit for it all of the time, I envied them. I could only hope that the guy I fell for would love me as much as my dad loved my mom.
Dad nuzzled her neck before lifting his head and looking at me. “Your car is still in the shop.” I huffed. He flashed me a grin. “Trent offered to take you to school on his way to work.” Dad looked at his watch right as the sound of my brother’s engine revving outside reached my ears.
God, he was so impatient.
“I’m going,” I told Dad as he got ready to warn me that Trent would leave me if I didn’t get a move on.
My brother and I were inseparable most days. He was basically my best friend. I trusted him with my secrets more than I trusted the girl I actually called my best friend. But then again, Gemma was so much different from me. We’d been almost the same growing up, but when we grew up and realized boys didn’t actually have cooties, she became infatuated.
Trent blew the horn. I glared at the front door as I marched toward it. Trent was not a morning person, and he hated it when I kept him waiting.
I snatched the door open to his ’67 Camaro. Dad had found it at a junkyard on my brother’s fifteenth birthday, and under Dad’s supervision, Trent spent close to three years saving up and rebuilding the engine, redoing the upholstery, and repainting the car its original color.
He glowered at me. “Easy on the car, sis.”
I dropped into the passenger seat. I acted as if I were about to slam the door, and at his wince, I gently closed it, shooting him a sarcastic smirk. “Don’t rush me out the door then, Trent.”
He rolled his eyes. “Then don’t take so long in the mirror, Bailey.”
I rolled my eyes. If we continued this, we would be at it all day. He constantly did things that annoyed me, just as I knew he had a long list of things that I did that annoyed him.
It was so crazy to most people that we were as close as we were. But I wouldn’t trade my brother for the world. He was the reason I was still freaking breathing most days. Anxiety and depression mixed together felt like a silent killer.
Trent switched his Bluetooth on, and instantly, heavy metal rock music filled the car. I leaned my head back against the seat, so glad my brother and I had similar tastes in music. I closed my eyes, listening to the loud rumble of his engine during the softer parts of the music as he drove me toward school.
Heads turned as he pulled up in front, and I saw numerous guys turn their heads, practically drooling at the sight of Trent’s baby. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at my brother. Typical guys. “Are you picking me up after school?”
He shrugged. “I can, but you’ll have to sit at the garage afterward until I’m done working,” he warned me.
I shrugged. “I’ll use your credit card to buy a book to read.”
He rolled his eyes at me, but a grin played at his lips. “Whatever.” He acted like it bothered him, but Trent never minded buying me books.
I slid out of the car and snatched my bag up from the floorboard, shrugging a strap onto my shoulder before I gently closed his car door, heading toward the front entrance.
Gemma was by my side immediately, almost as if she had a radar for when I would show up at school. She dreamily watched Trent drive away before we walked inside the building. “Your brother is so hot,” she sighed.
I rolled my eyes. I heard this every single time she saw him, but Trent had zero interest in her, as he had bluntly told her a few months ago when he finally grew sick of her flirting.
“Gemma, seriously,” I groaned.
She flashed me a smile. “What?” She rolled her eyes at me when I shot her a deadpan look. “Okay, yes, I know; he’s not interested in me, but a girl can dream, Bailey.”
I laughed at her. “Gemma, you’ll be dreaming a hell of a long time.” She liked to think Trent was playing a game with her sometimes, but I knew Trent. He wasn’t interested in her at all.
She shrugged. “Nothing my vib—” I slapped my hand over her mouth, and she burst into laughter.
I pointed my finger at her. “I do not want to hear about your toys,” I warned her. She was almost crying with laughter. God, I hated hearing about her one-night-stands and toys. I don’t know why she found this so damn funny. “I’m going to my locker. Keep your crude comments to yourself, yeah?”
I moved my hand from her mouth and turned towards the hallway my locker was down. “Prude!” she called after me, laughter in her voice.
I just lifted my middle finger in the air over my head.
* * *