Page 49 of Love You Always
She crosses her arms, her eyes narrowing. Exhaustion lines his handsome face. “What about you?”
“Oh, I’m runnin’ on whiskey.” He laughs, holds up his glass. “Then I’m gonna sleep for days.”
“Days on days on days,” Sal agrees. She’s never been so exhausted, but she woke with the space beside her cold, unable to bear it, needing Luke beside her. His warmth, his strength. Her husband.
There’s a low woof beside her and Sal kneels, running her fingers through Winston’s now-shiny fur. She looks up at Luke. “He’s ours?”
He nods, the ice in his whiskey glass clinking. “If you want him.”
“I do.” She gives Winston a last ruffle of his fur, loving this pup that saved her so fiercely, and then stands.
But Luke’s already on his way toward her.
He takes a few long-legged strides across the living room and she meets him in the middle. He dips to kiss her. Whiskey on his lips, love in his eyes. The kiss is as sweet as a mountain stream and Sal drinks him in.
She pulls away, but Luke keeps her close, cleaved in his warm arms. When he offers her a sip of whiskey, she shakes her head, smiling mischievously up at him. “Don’t think we want the baby to get started this early.”
“Jesus,” he says, his mouth falling open. Adorably earnest. “I damn forgot.”
And then Luke laughs and laughs and her heart dances. That laugh. Damn how she loves it. Like firecrackers lighting up the dark. Shaking the old farmhouse awake, sparking every bit of her like a flame.
Loves him, she thinks, her eyes falling appreciatively on his tall, taut form. Luke looks hot as hell even in his disheveled, exhausted state. Tall, tan, lean. Blue jeans and his black T-shirt—there’s nothing better for Sal than that.
Swigging down the finger of whiskey, Luke dips to set the glass on the coffee table. But he doesn’t let her loose for long, pulling her once again into his arms. His lean, muscular hands bracket her waist, holding her tightly against him.
She buries her head against his chest. “I keep forgetting too.” Her mouth curves. “We’re gonna be parents.”
Luke’s arm tightens around her.
Looking up at him, Sal stands on tiptoes, her hands palming his chest. She needs him to hear this, but she also needs to say it aloud. Like a new promise. A different kind of vow for this new place in their life.
“I want you to hear something, Luke.”
He nods down at her, his handsome face soft and listening.
“I know we don’t know how it will all turn out. I know we’ll never have peace of mind, we’ll always worry about the baby, about something, but I want us to try, Luke.” She takes a breath, hot tears filling her eyes. “Whatever happens, I want us to walk our road without trouble, together. Live every damn second we’re alive. Tours. The bus. Our friends and family. I can’t remember Henry, but this baby ... you, our life, it’s enough. It’s all I need.”
Tears shine in Luke’s eyes. “God, I love you,” he chokes out, cupping her face with trembling hands. “I’m gonna love that baby too, darlin’. With everything I got.”
Sal’s heart clenches. “I know you will,” she whispers. “I love you, Luke. And I love our road.”
His throat bobs, his thumb a tender whisk across her cheekbone.
Somewhere in the house, Winston barks.
Sal laughs. “He’s checking us out.”
Luke chuckles. “He pees in our room, he’s sleepin’ in the barn.”
“He needs love. He’s a good dog.” Sal moves closer, moves her bare thigh between Luke’s legs. Lean legs she knows Luke loves. Legs he can’t say no to. “I need love too.”
Luke groans, palms her shoulders. “You need rest, Sal.” But his dark eyes flash, male lust warring with concern.
“Let’s rest together.”
His lips quirk. “Darlin’, you’re merciless.”
“How do you think I got so far in life?” She nips his earlobe. “How do you think I got so far with you?”