Page 36 of Love You Always
Seth and Jace exchange frantic glances.
Despite Molly’s words, hope jumps in Luke’s chest. He’s close. Close to finding Sal. Slowly, he sits across from the girl. “Molly, where is she? Where’d he take her?”
“To our house.”
“Where the hell is that?” Seth snaps, impatient.
“Seth,” Jace hisses, his expression grim.
The girl shrinks back and Luke fights to control his temper, his worry. “Listen,” he says quietly, not wanting to spook her. He focuses solely on Molly. On this girl who holds the key to where his wife is. “It’s really important we find her before something bad happens to her. Please.”
Everyone’s holding their breath.
Finally, she nods. “We live in Ashland City—1125 Hillside Drive.” She sticks her hands between her legs, shivers. “A cabin with little blue shutters. There’s a well out back. A dirt road.”
“That’s only thirty minutes away,” Jace says, already calling up a map on his phone.
Luke rockets to standing, and for a moment, it feels as if the past has its hands in the future.
Then he strides to the closet and rips out the shotgun.
Griff’s eyes go wide. “Whoa, what are you doin’, Kincaid?”
“Goddamnit, Luke.” Jace groans as if he already knows how it’s gonna go down. “The cops said if anything happens—”
“Fuck the cops,” Luke snaps. “My wife’s out there and I ain’t waitin’.”
He damn sure is breaking all the rules in the law book. The longer they wait, the longer Sal’s in danger. He ain’t taking any chances. He’s got to find her. Find her okay. Find her fast.
Luke looks to Alabama, knowing she can handle what he won’t do. “You call the cops and tell ’em where we are. I ain’t sittin’ around to wait on this. I’m goin’ to get Sal.”
Griff steps forward, his face ready for a fight. “You ain’t goin’ alone.”
Alabama loops her arm through Griff’s, keeping him still, keeping him with her, but glances at Luke. “Y’all ain’t doing this.” Her Texas drawl’s a tremble. Fear etched all over her pale face.
Griff turns to her, placating. “Sweetheart ...”
There’s a glint in Griff’s tawny eyes, and in that instant Luke knows they’re not just friends anymore. They’re family. Griff’s willing to put his life on the line for Sal and that’s saying everything.
But Luke also can’t let him do that.
“You ain’t,” Luke says, putting out a hand to stop Griff. “I am.”
Relief clouds Alabama’s face and she throws Luke a grateful look.
Luke glances at Seth, who’s already moving for the door, and says in a firm tone, “Seth, sit down and stay here.”
Seth’s mouth flatlines. “The hell I am.”
“Stay,” Luke commands, his expression fierce.
Griff gives a nod. “Go get her, Kincaid.”
With that, Luke slams out the screen door, shoots out of the house faster than a cannonball. He’s halfway to his truck when the screen door rattles again. He whips around. “Go back inside, Seth.”
His brother gets hurt, he’ll never forgive himself.
“Man, fuck you,” comes Seth’s resolved rumble. His boots pound down the steps to stand tall in front of Luke. No regret in his eyes. Only resolve. “It’s Sal, and I ain’t sittin’ this out.”