Page 12 of Ward's Castle
“My dear Drix.To what do I owe this singular pleasure?” Marina Kovalenko pauses dramatically at the door of her dressing room, one gloved hand stretched above her head and the other planted on a jutted hip. She is one of the most renowned opera singers in the world, a first-class beauty, and daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Europe. Every dick around would be standing up in her presence.
Every one but mine. I give her a cool once-over and take a sip of my brandy. “Your father’s invitation, of course.”
“You could at least pretend to flirt with me.”
I take another drink.
My non-response dims her bright smile. She drops the seductive pose and stomps over to her makeup table. “Did you enjoy the performance at least?”
“Of course.” I toss back the brandy and set the empty glass on the table. “I’m not here for that, and we both know it. Tell your father to sign the papers while it’s still a good deal for him.”
“He wants us to marry.”
Our eyes meet in the mirror. “That is not going to happen.”
“Who is it then?”
“None of your business.” I rise and flick a piece of lint off my trousers. “Your dad has until Friday or I’m pulling the deal.”
“So you do have a woman!” Marina flies out of her chair and launches herself at me. I catch her wrists up and thrust her back.
“I said it wasn’t any of your business.” I set her aside and leave. Something loud and breakable crashes near my head. A few pieces of shattered glass sprinkle down on my shoulder. My driver, Nathan, brushes the debris off.
“The car is ready.”
“Tell me who she is!” screams Marina.
“Would you like to stop somewhere for dinner?” asks Nathan.
“No. I’ll eat at home. I have a plate waiting for me.” My stomach growls at the mention of Lila’s food. It smelled damned good, and I’ve been thinking about eating it all night.
As the car makes its way from the city center toward my home, I let the hard reins of control slip. Lila at sixteen evoked a strong possessive and protective streak in me. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was someone whose safety I would guarantee so long as I stood on this earth. But I thought those feelings arose from my past. I’d not always been able to keep those around me safe, particularly when I was young.
I had seen a glimpse of myself in her—young, impoverished, cast out by society. I was doing what was right. A sort of retribution against all those who had wronged me when I was a child.
But I also knew I wasn’t fit to care for her myself. A twenty-eight-year-old man cannot be living with a sixteen-year-old girl. Colin advised me to send her to a boarding school, and I agreed. We chose one of the most exclusive ones in the world. Daughters of ambassadors, oil barons, tech magnates, and former presidents attended this school. It would be safe for her, and she would get a premiere education and make lifelong contacts.
I just didn’t want those lifelong contacts to be with men.
“Sir, I believe Miss Lila and Mr. Beau are out.” Nathan starts to pull the car over.
I roll down the window and stare in disbelief at my two wards sitting at an outdoor table and giggling over bowls of ice cream. I have the door open before Nathan comes to a complete stop.
As I approach, a young man stops by the table. He bends over and says something to Lila, who smiles so sweetly that I want to tear the man from limb to limb.
“What is going on?” I say sharply.
Three heads pop up. Lila’s eyes fill with surprise while Beau gleefully waves his spoon at me. The young man also starts to smile before clocking how pissed I am.
“Drix! We’re having ice cream.”
I push down my anger and smile tight. “I see that.” I drop into a chair next to Lila’s and place my arm across the back of her seat. “And you are?”
“He’s our waiter,” Lila hisses. Under the table, she kicks my ankle.
“He’s the waiter,” echoes Beau. “He brought my ice cream and gave me extra fudge. See!” Beau tips his bowl in my direction, and the slightly melted treat slowly oozes toward the edges. I right it.