Page 71 of Kingdom of Sin (City of Sinners 3)
“We had a…a thing,” Tasha says in a tone dripping with embarrassment. “It was a mistake. I regret giving him a chance.”
“But why? You two are so cute together!”
“Cute doesn’t cut it. You know my policy, Fal—no catching feelings. The only thing men are good for is money. That’s what was so perfect about Kilroy.”
“Yeah, until he attacked you for not wanting to sleep with his friends.” I shudder as fists bang on our suite door. Tasha issues another threat about involving Louis, but I ignore her.
What other option is there? Kilroy’s a wealthy businessman with the means to crush someone like Tasha if he really wanted to; he needs to know she has even more powerful friends who will destroy him if he tries. I might not be able to do anything, but Louis has the brawn to intimidate him.
I wrench the suite door open and my heart plummets to the earth’s core. Louis stands outside, his flat features twisted in concern. I barely notice him. My gaze is on the tall, broad-shouldered man behind him.
Suddenly, I know how Tasha feels. Louis has done to me what I did to her—he’s involved the last person I wanted to deal with today.
“You broughtGiovanni?!”
“I wasn’t going to,” Louis says. “But you were cryptic. You said you and Tasha needed help. If you were in danger and I didn’t tell Boss—”
“What is the trouble that’s going on?” Giovanni interrupts. He pushes past Louis and invites himself inside the hotel suite, looking around as if expecting to find a monster in need of slaying.
I’m breathless. Every thought in my head disappears. My skin warms up, but not from the hot desert weather.
“Tasha, your face!” Louis growls the second he spots her.
I’m still by the door, reeling from Giovanni being in the same hotel room. Both men have gone to check on Tasha, which is for the best. I need a moment to collect myself. I force a breath from my lungs and shake away the shock.
It could be my imagination, but when I inhale, IswearGiovanni’s cologne lingers in the air—the familiar, hard notes of leather and cognac.
So heady, so masculine. Enough to stir feelings I’ve buried for months.
Stop it. Keep it together.
“Kilroy did this,” I interrupt, joining the others. Tasha’s refusing to answer any of their questions. I stop beside Louis with my arms crossed. “He attacked Tasha this morning.”
“He’s dead,” Louis says. The hardness in his gaze shows he’s serious. “Where is the bastard? My fists want to meet him.”
“No!” Tasha yells. “You need to leave. This doesn’t involve you. I’ll handle my own situation.”
“So he can attack you again? Where are your things? You’re coming with me!” Louis storms through the hotel suite, his fists clenched at his sides. He grabs my suitcase, mistaking it for Tasha’s. “Wait, why’s your stuff here?”
All eyes fall on me. Including Giovanni’s. Nerves ripple in my stomach; his stare, those electric blue eyes on me, still affect me after so many years.
I avoid looking at him, glancing at Louis and then Tasha. “That’s my luggage. I was visiting for Tasha’s birthday weekend.”
“Neither of you are staying here,” Louis says. “We don’t know what this guy might try next.”
Tasha jumps to her feet. Her giant sunglasses are back on her face. “Nobody gets to decide what I do! That’s what you don’t ever understand, Louis—you don’t get to act like some protector. I don’t need you to do anything for me. I didn’t even want you here. Get gone.”
“So you can go back to the asshole for the right price?”
“That’s your wounded ego talking. You’re in your feelings because I dumped your ass!”
“I’m in my feelings because you’re letting some decrepit dipshit make you black and blue!”
For a second time, I’m on the sidelines as Tasha and Louis argue. I hadn’t meant for the situation to turn into some rehash of their past, but that’s because I had no clue they even had a past to begin with. If I’d known, I’d probably wouldn’t have called Louis.
Giovanni lets them argue for a minute before he steps in between. That’s all it takes for him to seize control of the situation, his natural confident and authoritative air enough to silence their bickering.
“Tasha, you can’t continue to be involved with this Kilroy individual,” he says matter-of-factly. “Please allow Louis to escort you to your room so you can pack your things. You are free to go where you like, but you are always welcomed at my resort. VIP stay for however long you need it. Louis and I will handle this Kilroy.”