Page 42 of Kingdom of Sin (City of Sinners 3)
Little Luca Lovatoputs up one hell of a fight, I’ll give that to him. For being little, insignificant, practically a gnat buzzing around for scraps of food, he fights tooth and nail against impossible odds.
When I arrive in the States, it’s already a live battle. My men have already located him. A car chase and shootout has begun as Luca and some of his guys have tried their best to escape. They’ve led them on a chase headed for upstate New York.
Victor D’Apolito—we call him Vic for short—greets me at the airport as we get into the car waiting for us. As my underboss, Vic’s thirteen years older and about fifty pounds heavier (no muscle, all fat), but he’s been around in the game long enough to be of value. He once worked ascapofor my father, though he often disagreed with how my father ruled.
“I want to kill him myself,” I say of Luca once Vic has finished his spiel. “We’ll visit the ongoing pursuit.”
Vic tugs at his shirt collar nervously. The chubbycazzohasn’t seen real action in years. He’s more comfortable as a behind-the-scenes guy the older he gets. “You sure, Boss? From what Fozzi has told me, bullets are flying.”
“I’m always sure, Vic. You know this. But because you’re a pussy, you think you can dissuade me.”
He clamps down on any more protests. The small crew of men I have with me all get into the other cars, and we head toward the location where Luca has led my other crews of men. We pull up as more gunshots break out.
Luca and the last four guys who have survived the battle thus far have holed themselves up in an old, abandoned factory.
I get out of the car and stride toward the faded brick building.
“Boss,” Vic whines again.
“Shut the fuck up,” I snarl. Part of being King is being fearless.Invincible.
There’s nothing Luca or his men can do to me. I’ll kill each and every one of them myself without giving it a second thought. I didn’t earn this crown for nothing; I’ve proven I will crush the skull of any enemy I must with my own bare hands.
Grown-ass men don’t cower when in my presence for nothing.
My main crew flanks me as we enter the building. Gunshots crackle from above our heads. His guys and my other guys are shooting at each other. I motion for the men next to me to provide backup. They’re on it, filing up the rickety staircase like a professional SWAT team, their weapons drawn and ready to fire.
I move to follow them when shattering glass stops me. Somebody’s broken a window. Me and the men still at my side spin around to locate the commotion.
“He’s jumped! The fucker’s jumped!” Marino shouts.
It’s true. Luca has jumped from a second-story window in the factory. From where I stand on the ground level, through the open double doors, I can see his body roll off the roof of a car outside. He lands without grace, denting both the car’s roof and hood, and staggering onto his feet. He holds an arm around his bloodied stomach.
My guys open fire. I hold up a hand to stop them. My glare tracks Luca as he staggers away.
“No,” I say in an eerie mix of anger and calm, “he’s mine.”
Silence seems to suddenly settle on the once chaotic scene as I sprint after him. He’s managed to make it to one of his getaway cars. He really thinks he’s going to escape my wrath again.
A dark grin spreads across my face. I dash for the car my driver brought me here in—an Audi A8 I’ve had specially customized for my speed-demon ways. My driver starts to ask if I want him to follow, but I scream at him to get the hell out.
I’ve always loved a good car chase. Driving insanely fast has always been a hobby of mine.
As tires screech and Luca speeds off, I’m shooting after him. I’m sure my men are confused as fuck. Their boss has volunteered to hunt down the man they’ve spent the last couple of days searching for. Even for a King as hands-on as me, it’s a surprise.
They don’t understand the pure delight it brings me to know there’s another Lovato I’ll get to murder myself. I didn’t get the opportunity with Tony in Vegas—Falynn had been the one to pull the trigger as we duked it out—and I hadn’t gotten the chance with his father—my men had killed him in cold blood on a busy city street—but this time…
This time, I will do it myself. I will avenge my unborn child. I will make him pay for how his family destroyed the happiness Falynn and me once had. Revenge five years in the making.
I grit my teeth as I shift gears and smash my foot on the gas. Luca drives like a madman just like me. We race off down a long, winding road surrounded by nothing but empty, abandoned factories and other industrial buildings. More than once a semitruck honks its horn as Luca cuts him off and I precariously do so, too, narrowly avoiding a collision.
Luca might thirst for speed like I do, but within a few short minutes, it becomes clear he’s in no shape for a street race. He begins making sloppy mistakes, swerving his car this way and that. The car slides out of control for a brief suspenseful second and rides the shoulder of the road. The rocky and uneven asphalt crumbles under his tires the longer he rides the line between the road and the surrounding area.
Eventually, he manages to correct himself, though it’s just barely. He swings the car to the opposite end. His car lurches and squeals in protest.