Page 34 of Kingdom of Sin (City of Sinners 3)
Motherfuckingpieces of shit really want to fuck with me. They think this is some kind of game they can win. After the heads that have rolled and the entrails that have been gutted, they really think this is a joke.
I don’t do this childish tit-for-tat nonsense. Little battles escalating into some big, flashy war. My wrath decimates more life than a nuclear bomb. My revenge is a scorched earth. Every last one of them will be exterminated.
No mercy. No exceptions.
Right away, when Marino informs me of the possible threat, it’s clear what’s going on. Over the years as I’ve risen to power, expanding my dominance over the crime world, I’ve done so with an iron fist. I’ve eliminated countless enemies even before they had a chance to strike. I’ve murdered thousands, all from the comfort of my throne.
Entire crime families have been decimated because I uttered the four magic words—I want them gone.
You can imagine how many enemies this has made me. Some say I’ve gone crazy with power. I’ve overstepped my reach, broken the traditional code those in our lifestyle live by. When the Commission tried to reel me in, citing I was building too big of a monopoly, they quickly found out I answer to no one.
I have no interest in following rules.Imake the fucking rules.
If any other crime family hopes to survive, they are to bow down to me, and become a subunit under my command. They are to recognize I’m the one true King of this earth.
For the last five years, I’ve secured my empire both legally, through savvy business moves that have garnered me international notoriety, but through more gruesome and bloody methods as well. I’ve paid off world leaders and politicians. Executed federal judges and agents. Bought entire elections and, essentially, major cities, putting them under my influence.
Falynn might vaguely know I’m a multibillionaire. I’ve become an unstoppable juggernaut in both the criminal world and the business world, but she has no idea just how deep the rabbit hole goes. The reasons I’ve often been absent from our marriage. I’ve kept her under total lock and key within the confines of my estate for her own good, for her safety.
Running an empire requires every waking moment—a wholekingdomthat grows exponentially by the second requires lifelong dedication. Kings don’t get breaks. They don’t need them. They don’t stop.
Idon’t stop.
Yet, just for her, I’ve foolishly pressed pause on my operations. One day in, shit’s going to hell in a handbasket.
“Put him on the phone,” I growl the moment I’m in the office of the villa. “I’d like to tell him about how he’ll be pulverized meat within the next twenty-four hours.”
Marino rushes to fulfill my request. He puts Luca Lovato on the phone, nephew of Antonio Lovato, cousin of my old rival Tony Lovato. Luca’s new to the mantle—a fast-burner who emerged through underground methods after I exterminated his entire bloodline.
For good reason.
The moment Falynn pulled the trigger and killed Tony Lovato years ago in Vegas, revenge from his father was expected. There was no way Lovato Senior would accept such a brazen execution of his prized son lying down. I’d even suspected the Lovatos were attempting to kill me when my yacht exploded in Portofino. As it turns out, it was my uncle Claro in a bungled assassination attempt and coup.
But Lovato Senior was never to be underestimated. Much like my father, Antonio was a chess player in criminal form. Meaning, he liked to bide his time, wait for the right opening. The fucker will always be responsible for the strain on my marriage. He will always be the one who took my first child from me.
So I had him slaughtered. Out on a public street, the way he’d targeted my wife and unborn child, I had my men kill him execution-style. His blood still stains the pavement of Fifth Avenue and Twenty-Third. Then I massacred the rest of his family. Every last one of them was murdered.
Except for Luca, who managed to escape. I’ve searched for him every day since. He and his underground guerrilla warfare-type tactics and street gang he’s formed will not survive the night. He’s evaded me long enough.
“Giovanni,” he says when we’ve been connected. He’s on an untraceable line, as am I. “How is your vacation with your beautiful wife?”
“You are dead. You won’t escape me this time,ragazzino.”
“Then we have something in common. Our families might finally succeed at destroying each other.”
“No,” I growl, slamming a fist against the oak desk nearby. “I have already destroyed every member of your family. This time, I finally end you for good. You’re nothing more than a fucking fruit fly I’ll crush in the palm of my hand.”
Luca laughs like the little cocky bitch he is. “When are you gonna learn, Giovanni, you can’t be king of the mountain with scorned subjects? It always comes back to bite you in the ass. You think I’m working alone? Weallwant you gone.”
The line dies before I can cuss him out any further. I smash the phone on the ground, shattering the device into pieces. Somehow, it remains functional enough for the dial tone to drone on, reminding me how I didn’t get the chance to have the last word.
My men stand behind me, awaiting my instruction. I point at Dante.
“Get in touch with Vic. I want every crew in NYC dedicated to locating that piece of shit. I want him captured and taken to my compound upstate. Meanwhile, my wife will be brought to my secret compound in Lisbon for extra security. I’m flying back tonight to settle this. I want to kill him myself,” I order. My hands clench into fists, the rage coursing through me demanding I break more things. “I will do it real intimate. Choke him out with my bare hands as the life drains from his greasy face. GET ON IT!”