Page 67 of Queen of Hearts (City of Sinners 2)
“Why the Dollhouse?” I abandon the staircase and come up to where they stand in the open space of the living room.
“We’ve gathered some intel that reveals he’s there.”
Looking for me.
The same sick feeling from earlier returns, making me nauseous.
“You two are to stay here,” Gio says finally. He tears his eyes off me and starts for the hall. His fast, fluid stride oozes authoritative, powerful mafia boss. “The security system is activated. Anything alive that isn’t us crosses this property, and they’re dead.”
“Heavily armed drones,” Louis clarifies as he follows in Gio’s wake.
“Gio,” I call, my voice shaky.
I crave something from him—something more than reassurance about the security system and drones. I need to know we’re okay. That he and I are good.
I hurry after him, catching him just as they make it to the fortress-like door. He stops, his gaze dropping to my face, though he doesn’t touch me.
“Be careful.” The words tumble out of me in a strangled murmur, my heart heavy with so much more. It’s just the rest of what I feel refuses to divulge itself. The difficult emotions stubbornly swell inside my heart, choosing not to burden him with my issues when he’s about to go out and confront his brother.
Gio nods, looking beyond my shoulder at Tasha and then back at me. “You two stay put. Understand? We’ll return soon.”
My hope for a goodbye kiss disintegrates into nothing. Gio walks through the door with Louis coming up from the rear. It swings shut with a final and forceful thud. Silence fills the space where he and Louis were mere seconds ago.
Tasha takes pity on me, coming over to collect me. “C’mon,” she says softly. “I saw some wine in the pantry. We can have a bottle, and I can tell you about your pal Lou asking me out on a date when this is all over.”
It’s Tasha’s way of making me feel better. My nod’s slight as I give in and let her escort me away, Gio still in the background of my thoughts.
Tasha wasn’t kidding about the wine. Or the pantry. It’s huge. Bigger than the kitchen in my old, crappy apartment. We dig out some Pinot Grigio and toast to an evening spent locked in a fortress while our mafia boyfriends engage in what’s probably going to be a brutal confrontation.
Since when is Louis Tasha’s boyfriend? I’m pondering the same before she clarifies as we sip our Pinot.
“Girl, he’s interested, and he makes big bucks as your guy’s right hand.Of course,he’s my boyfriend,” she says.
“Tash,” I groan. “We’ve been over this. Louis is a teddy bear. Please don’t—”
“Hurt him,” she finishes for me. She rolls her eyes, gesturing to me with her hand clutching the glass. “You don’t have to worry about your mafia bestie. He’s cute and sweet. I’ll go easy on him.”
Tasha’s been on her own from an even younger age than me. She’s never talked much about her family. Bits and pieces here and there have revealed her childhood was maybe even worse than mine. There’s a reason she’s always the highest earner at the Dollhouse; hustling men for cash is a skill she’s perfected in order to survive.
The wine loosens me up. The stressors plaguing me no longer affect my mood as we pour second glasses, then go for thirds. Gio said to stay put, so we’re still obeying his directions. He said nothing about not indulging in a bottle of wine to help our anxiety.
“How’re things between you and Mr. Mafia King?” Tasha asks. “Have you told him about you and his brother?”
I shrug, not so keen to talk about what’s bothering me. “I told him what I remember. He hasn’t said a word to me all afternoon. I think he…I don’t know what to think. He was angry, but I can’t help wondering if it’s not just at his brother.”
“You mean he’s angry with you? For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“For letting it happen. He wouldn’t even kiss me goodbye, Tash. I just suddenly feel so…unwanted. I shouldn’t let it get to me, but it just reminds me too much of last time this happened to me.”
“Okay, I don’t like the way you’re talking about yourself. If he doesn’t want to be with you anymore, then fuck him. You don’t need to beat yourself up about it. Let’s put on some music. It’ll help you feel better. That smart TV in the living room has the Spotify app on it.” Tasha woozily slides off the kitchen stool and plods out of the room with her precious wine glass still in hand.
A few seconds pass, but the sound of the music never comes. I roll my eyes, hop off my stool, and go over to check. She probably can’t figure out how to work the remote—every appliance Gio’s furnished this compound with feels like something out of a way-advanced science fiction novel.
“It can’t be that hard!” I call out.
Tasha doesn’t answer me. I move deeper down the hall, rounding the corner. She’s standing so close when I do, I almost bump right into her.
My stomach drops. Her eyes have doubled in size, her glass hanging from her limp grasp.
“Tash, what is it?” I ask.
Instead of Tasha answering, a voice I hoped to never hear again fills the otherwise quiet compound.
“I’m so glad I was able to find you, princess,” Giancarlo says, stepping into view. He looks rough, his eyes red and his hair damp. His arms are folded neatly behind his back as his eerily familiar grin twists his lips. “I hope you didn’t think you were going to get off that easily. I’m not done with you.”