Page 64 of Queen of Hearts (City of Sinners 2)
Pa’s healthhas been deteriorating for years. He’s been in and out of the hospital with heart complications and surgeries. He’s survived a near-debilitating stroke that left him reliant on an at-home nurse. He’s struggled to head the family, though he’s always commanded respect from his men.
He’s kept the Sorrentino empire prosperous for decades, even as the FBI and government cracked down on organized crime. They locked up guys like Claro and sought to steal our hard-earned profits. But regardless of how many battles they won, Pa’s never let them win the war.
Now he’s gone. Now it’s up to me.
The burden falls on my shoulders, an instant weight like never before. Even when he named me his successor, he’d been alive. He’d been a source for input and advice. Though I still don’t know who to trust after the attempts on my life, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
The others stare at me with sympathy welling in their eyes. I don’t need any of them to feel sorry for me.
Instead, I need revenge. I need to make Pa proud and reclaim my throne.
Rage emerges as my dominant emotion, heavy and hot in my chest. I’ve been robbed of the opportunity to show him I could rule his empire. I could take over and make the Sorrentino name even more powerful and unstoppable than ever before. He won’t see me as King.
He’s stolen from me—he got to spend our father’s last few weeks ruling while I was burned and broken in a bed in Santa Margherita, Italy. He’s nothing more than a fraud, impersonating me, attempting to steal my life.
My throne and my woman.
Giancarlo has always been unusual. Though we’re twin brothers, we’ve never been close due to this. In his eyes, I’ve been held up as the special one while he’s suffered in the shadows. He’s let his condition get in the way of his potential yet blames me as the source of his misery.
This is his doing. Claro claims Pa’s heart stopped in his sleep, but it doesn’t matterhowhe passed. Giancarlo is responsible for what’s happened; he’s behind the attempt on my life, bringing Pa and his weak heart grief and agony.
I clench my jaw painfully hard and stride from the kitchen. Louis calls out to me. Tasha remains silent. Falynn can’t resist following. My stride’s faster and longer than hers. I’m in the bedroom, discarding my jeans and stalking butt-naked into the bathroom by the time she catches up.
If I’m going to exact my payback, I’m going to need a clear head. I’m going to be composed and put together. I’m going to unleash my fury as the impeccable, powerful Mafia King I am.
In a clean, tailored suit I can stain with Giancarlo’s blood.
The shower sputters on and fills the bathroom with instant heat. Falynn reaches out and grabs my shoulder from behind, her touch desperate but certain. She’s seeking connection while I’m seeking revenge. I ignore her until she refuses to let me. She sticks herself between me and the shower.
Worry is scribbled all over her beautiful face, her eyes soft and brows drawn close.
“Don’t shut down,” she begs. “I can already see you doing it…please don’t. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling…but please don’t. It’s okay to let yourself feel it.”
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t change it. But I will have my revenge.”
“Gio…” she trails off. She slides her hands up my bare chest as if stalling while she finds the right words. “I’ll be here with you. You don’t have to do anything right now. You can just…you can just take some time to process what’s happened. Him passing away.”
Staring into her eyes, the only thing I want to feel is every inch of her. As inexplicable as it is, as my anger rages inside of me, my mind muddled with thoughts of Papa and how his last days were spent believing I was dead, I can only think of one thing that’ll soothe me. That will quiet the firestorm about to be unleashed.
I grab her by the shoulders and smash my lips to hers. It’s a hard kiss that crushes her and knocks the breath from her. She releases a tiny gasp as I walk her backward. She hits the sink countertop, steam rolling around us. Her small hands pad across my chest in her frantic attempt to retain some semblance of control, but there’s none to be had on her end.
I’m in the driver’s seat. I decide what happens and when. The only thing powerful enough in this moment to sate me is the feel of her pussy squeezing my cock.
“Gio…” she breathes again as I shove the robe off her shoulders. “We can’t…not now…your father…”
My fingers dig into her curls, pulling hard, forcing her head back. Her neck completely exposed, I press my lips along the slim column and kiss her all over.
“I fucking need you, Honey,” I grunt into her skin. My grip on her curls tightens, and she makes a warbly sound in her throat. “Don’t you get it? You’re what I fucking need right now—you’re the only thing keeping me sane right now. If not for you, I’d go out and murder every fuckingcabronI could get my hands on. My own fucking blood. My twin brother.”
She stills at his mention. She’s told me he refused to let her go and that there was something off about him. What else could’ve happened to make her react like this?
My appetite for her wanes within seconds. Something’s definitely up.