Page 32 of Queen of Hearts (City of Sinners 2)
“Inside my fucking casino,cabron. Tell everybody at La Pergola to mind their business. I’m not coming back.”
“You need to talk to Rodrigo and the mayor about the deal with the cartel?”
Giancarlo returns to gnashing his teeth. He lets me go, though I don’t dare move. I stay wedged between him and the sink.
“Fine,” he growls. “The next time I won’t be so…sociable.”
He moves to leave, but then stops and abruptly grabs hold of my arm. He yanks me close, so hard I rattle.
“We’ll be having dinner together. Just me and you next time,” he says, his teeth bared in an unpleasant grin. “Iwillmake you obey, princess.”
He releases me with as much force as he seized me. I stumble off-balance as he storms from the restroom. The door flies open and he’s gone.
Something I can’t describe takes control of me—in the aftermath of what’s just happened, it’s like I’m letting out the fear I couldn’t show in the moment. My heart pounds fast and I’m left gasping for air. Panic and anxiety fill me up, making it harder to breathe. I lean against the restroom sink and try to calm down.
Fozzi pokes his head inside the open door. “Miss Falynn…” the conflicted look on his face says it all. Hesympathizeswith me, though he can’t do much to help. “Do you want a moment to get yourself together? He wants you to return to La Pergola…”
My nod is a small one. Fozzi draws the door shut. I turn to the sink, twisting the faucet on. I splash my face with handfuls of water and agonize over what’s to come. How the hell am I going to get out of this?