Page 68 of Ruins of Temptation (Corium University Trilogy 4)
My first thought: How long was I asleep?
My second thought: Holy shit, he untied my wrists while I was asleep.
Here they are, my hands tucked under my pillow, the way I usually sleep. I can’t remember him doing it. I usually don’t sleep deep enough that somebody would be able to mess with me without my knowing.
But then, I’ve never come like I did last night. I didn’t even know it was possible to come like that. Not alone, not with somebody else. I thought I was dying for a minute there. It felt so good that it hurt, especially when he kept me going after I would normally have stopped. Once I’m finished, I’m finished, but he wasn’t hearing any of that.
I’m glad.
I wonder what else I don’t know. I never thought sex could be good for both my partner and me. I just figured it was a way to keep a guy happy. Not like I was grossed out by it. I just didn’t really see any other point.
Now I know what it was that woke me: Lucas typing on his laptop. Once I open my eyes, I see him sitting at his desk, and for a second, all I can do is watch him. The light from the computer reveals his serious expression, like whatever he’s working on is important. I don’t want to make too much noise and distract him.
Really, what I don’t want is the awkwardness of talking over what we did. It’s funny how what seems totally normal and logical when you’re in the moment can turn embarrassing. I don’t know how to act. I don’t want to make a big deal about it, especially if he doesn’t want to. I guess I should hold back and let him lead the way.
“You’re awake.”
The suddenness of his announcement startles me. It doesn’t seem like he’s so much as glanced over here, yet he knows I’m awake. “Barely,” I murmur, snuggling with the blankets and pillow. “You untied me.”
“Mm-hmm.” He still won’t look at me. That’s not a good sign. Is he regretting it? How could he not be? That’s a stupid question. I don’t know how to convince him he has nothing to worry about. It’s not so much that I care about his feelings. In fact, I couldn’t care less about them. Not for his sake.
For mine, though? I need him in a good mood. He’s always nicer to me when he’s horny, but I guess that doesn’t make him different from any other man. That’s how I need him. Horny, generally happy.
So instead of sitting up right away, I let my bare leg hang out from under the blankets. That earns me a quick sideways glance, but he turns his attention right back to the laptop. “What time is it?” I ask in a soft voice.
It takes him a second to answer. “Just past seven.” So I didn’t sleep all that long, but it was enough. I feel rested, wide awake. All it took was a few orgasms. I have to struggle against a smile that wants to creep over my face when I think about it. I still can’t believe it happened.
“Do you always work this early?”
“Sometimes. It depends.”
“I mean, there are other things you could do with the time…” I add a soft laugh to the end of that.
“Such as what?” His eyes are still trained on the screen, but he doesn’t sound as distant. His hands aren’t moving so swiftly over the keyboard. He’s paying attention now.
“You know what I mean. Why don’t you come back over here?” I scoot back on the bed, giving him room.
He doesn’t so much as glance my way. “That’s not happening.”
“Why not?”
“Are we seriously going to do this today?” Now there’s an edge in his voice. I need to be careful. It’s impossible to tell where his line is from one day to the next.
“I’m sorry. I figured since you enjoyed it so much earlier, you might want to do it again.”
“You figured wrong.”
Dammit. There has to be a way to get him back to where we were. I can’t rub myself against him while he’s sitting in his chair and pretend I didn’t mean to. That option is off the table. What else can I do? I never exactly had to seduce Nash, and he’s the extent of my experience with things like this.
I sit up, making a big deal of stretching. He never did pull the nightshirt back down over my body last night, leaving it up around my wrists. He must have taken it off when he untied me, so now I’m totally naked. I pull the blanket up over my chest, but not too far. More than enough is visible to get his imagination going.
“I figured you’d be in a better mood once you woke up.” One of my legs hangs over the edge of the bed. I swing it a little to catch his eye. It works.