Page 36 of Ruins of Temptation (Corium University Trilogy 4)
“What were you going to do otherwise? Keep her locked up with you forever? Because that’s the alternative.” He brings the phone closer to his face. “Get her moved into a dorm room. Send her to class. Pretend this is all normal.”
That’s going to take some pretending. Nothing about this is anywhere remotely normal.
“You know what else?” He pulls the phone back so I’m no longer staring up his nose. Now I see how concerned he looks. “You’ve got bigger issues.”
“Such as?”
“Such as your kid. The one whose entire life you’ve missed up until now. You’re putting all the effort you should be giving her into this girl locked in your guest room.”
I want to tell him he’s out of his mind, but that would be a lie. He doesn’t get what it means to know he treated his own child the way I treated mine. The kind of guilt that carries. How it can stand in the way of building a relationship. “It’s been complicated.”
“I know. But it won’t get any less complicated as time goes on unless you spend time on it.” Again, he fills the frame. “Get your head out of your ass. Send the girl to the dorms. Spend time with your kid. You know it has to be done.”
I do, which is why I’m starting in the morning.
“I know I don’t say this a lot… but you’re right.”
“I’m right all the time.”
“Sure, you are. Before you go, I wanted to ask you something else. I was trying to remember the last time I saw Charlotte. I think she came to my place, but I was high. Some other people were there. I think one of them was Tommy Perez or something like that.”
“I know exactly what night you are talking about.”
“You do?”
“Yes, because I was there.” Dumbfounded, I stare at the screen, trying to recall my brother being there that night. “You were already passed out when I got there. I heard a scream coming from the bedroom. One of the guys was trying to rape her, but she hit him in the nuts with your lamp.”
“Fuck… I think she came to tell me she was pregnant.”
“Possible, yes. Which is why she never tried again.”
And she had every reason not to.
“Wake up. I’ve set an appointment for you, and I don’t want to be late.”
Delilah blinks, rubbing her eyes. “Huh?”
I stand over her, beside the bed, and can’t help but think about how helpless she is. “Up. You have things to do.”
“Like what?”
“You’re going to get a full checkup by the doctor. It’s standard for all students, and since you’re going to be one soon, there’s no choice.”
“A checkup?” She sits up, squinting at me. “Like, all over?”
“I imagine so. Get in the shower. Dr. Lauren has a schedule to keep, and we shouldn’t make her wait.”
She holds up a hand before I can walk out of the room and wait for her. “Um… I don’t know how to say this…”
“What is it?” I snap, and it’s almost too gratifying when she flinches. I did the right thing, having her sleep separate from me last night.
She folds her arms before lifting her chin defiantly. “I was wondering if I can shave while I’m in there. It’s kind of embarrassing to walk into a checkup like that when you haven’t touched a razor in forever.”
The idea is ridiculous enough to make me laugh. “Right. Let me hand you a razor and see what happens.”
“I doubt I could do much damage with a disposable razor.”
“I don’t use disposables. And don’t get any ideas. I keep them locked up now that you’re here.” She groans when I shake my head. “Not going to happen.”
“Fine. You feel that way about it? Maybe you could do it for me.” Her lips twitch. She thinks she’s being cute again. Like if she embarrasses me, she wins.
“You have a point. I’ll unlock my razor. You get undressed and wait for me in the bathroom.”
“Wait a second.” Now she’s in a big hurry to get out of bed, scrambling to her feet.
“No time. Let’s go.” While she’s sputtering and probably wishing she hadn’t suggested this, I go to my bedroom closet. Maybe she thinks I’m only kidding about the razors, but she couldn’t be more wrong. I’m not taking a chance with her. I haven’t needed to use this lock box for a long time. It sat at the back of the shelf, gathering dust until I brought her here. I pull out the handle along with a fresh blade, watching to make sure I’m not observed. She’s still dragging her feet. Probably wondering if I’m bluffing. “Don’t keep me waiting,” I call out.
“This is uncomfortable. You don’t have to do this.”
“You’re the one who made a big deal about it. Stop wasting my time.” I prepare the razor, pull out the shaving cream, and set them on the edge of the tub. “Come on. Clothes off.”