Page 24 of My Anonymous Lover (Forbidden Fantasies 57)
“Are you hungry, baby? Come sit down on the couch. You must be tired, and let me get you some water.” Jeremiah gently pushes me down onto the sofa and then practically runs to get me some fluids. The whole thing makes me laugh because it’s almost as if he knows I’m pregnant already, even if I’m wearing a loose sweater that covers my bump. I let out a satisfied sigh and look around as Jeremiah putters about the kitchen.
It’s nice here. He has a big two story that’s spacious, albeit a little cluttered with paperwork and books. He’s obviously been working at the kitchen table because there’s a food wrapper on the counter, as well as an empty water bottle. It’s all very adult and mature, and now, I can’t help but wonder what this place would look like cluttered with toys, and maybe with an area cordoned off for the baby to play in. Would he be okay with that?
At that moment, my man reappears, handing me a glass of water.
“Here, sweetheart, drink up. You look a little dehydrated. But is everything okay? I thought you wouldn’t be back for a few weeks, at least.”
I take a sip of the water and manage a wan smile.
“No, everything’s fine,” I say hesitantly. “Gentry had a new trucker who wanted to start immediately, so I cut my trip in half, and let the new girl take it.”
“New girl?” Jeremiah says with surprise. “Really?”
I nod.
“Yeah, it seems like more and more women want to be truckers these days. Maybe they saw my spread in the magazine. Or maybe, they saw you on TV,” I say in a slow voice. “You know, the interview you did where you talked about me. You said you were proud of me, and maybe a couple women saw that and decided trucking could be the life for them too.”
My boyfriend immediately goes serious, taking my hand in is.
“I hope so, and if we had anything to do with that decision, then I’m proud, baby. I’m glad we’re breaking boundaries together.”
I nod and bite my lip.
“Yes, but you didn’t have to do that, Jeremiah. Declare our relationship on national TV, I mean. You’re running for political office, and it was quite the risky move.”
Jeremiah shakes his head then, blue eyes going serious.
“No, I did have to do that, Ginny. I love you the way you are, and I wasn’t going to pretend that we’re not together. Hell, I’m proud that you have such a stellar career, and that you’re gorgeous too. Yes, my girlfriend is firing on all cylinders, and I want the world to know,” he says in a simple tone.
“But are voters okay with that?” I ask in a slow voice. “I mean, what about your political career?”
Jeremiah just shrugs.
“What about it? I’m not worried, honey, because voters will just have to deal with it. I mean, we have an African-American woman serving on the Supreme Court, and a gay man as Transportation Secretary. The world as we know it is changing, and I’m proud to be part of that vanguard in my own small way. Besides, I’m in love with you, Ginny,” he murmurs. “And that’s that. You mean everything to me, and I don’t care what any voter thinks about it.”
“I—” I choke, my throat feeling suddenly tight. “I love you too, Jeremiah, and you have no idea what a relief that is to hear. I guess I came back early to tell you that, and … well…”
To my horror, I’m blubbering like an idiot all of a sudden, but my boyfriend merely tips my chin up with a big hand.
“To tell me what, baby? I’m all ears.”
The words come streaming out then.
“Well, I took a pregnancy test and it seems that I’m pregnant, Jeremiah,” I babble helplessly. “You’re going to be a daddy with your nude model girlfriend.”
The handsome man’s eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets as he stands up quickly.
“You’re pregnant? Holy shit!”
At first, I’m not sure if that’s a good ‘holy shit’ or a bad one but then, he sweeps me into his arms and literally swings me around in a circle.
“A baby!” he crows. “Hell yeah! I can’t wait to be a dad!”
I can’t help but laugh as I cling to his broad form.
“Yes, we’re going to have a baby and you’re going to be a father, in oh, about four months.
Jeremiah steps back, surveying my form.
“But you don’t look pregnant,” he says in a low tone.
I nod.
“It’s because I’m one of those women who doesn’t show much, but see?” I say, raising my sweater. “That bump? That’s your son or daughter.”
Jeremiah’s big hand goes to cover the bulge of my stomach and he sighs reverently.
“Welcome, baby,” he murmurs. “This is the greatest day of my life because I’ve always wanted to be a father and now it’s really happening. Thank you, Ginny. You’re everything a man could want, and I’m so grateful that you came into my life.”