Page 12 of My Anonymous Lover (Forbidden Fantasies 57)
I must be losing my mind. I’ve never reacted to a man like this before and it’s a little embarrassing. I mean, I adore the male species and I enjoy being naughty, but to be this needy over a guy? No, it’s never happened before.
I don’t think I can be blamed though. The way he’s eyeing me makes me feel equal parts small and shy and big and bold. He wants me, that much my feminine intuition is spot on.
“I think we have met,” he says in a smooth tone. “Not so long ago in fact.” That makes my chin jerk up as I meet those blue eyes.
“Yes, really. We’ve met before. I think so.”
I continue to stare, befuddled.
“Yes, but where?” I ask in a plaintive voice, immediately hating how I sound so girlish and immature. “I mean, I feel like I would remember. Was it another campaign event? It can’t be because this is the first one I’ve been to in a long time.” I clear my throat, putting a stop to the babbling. I need to come off as calm, cool, and collected, and not like a teen girl meeting her boy band crush for the first time because I’m really not trying to come onto Jeremiah during a political fundraiser. I just want to know where we’ve met because it feels like we’ve known each other for eons already.
The handsome man looks at me for a few moments, those blue eyes amused. Then, the corner of his mouth quirks up, and I can’t help but notice how sensual his lips are.
“I’ll tell you, but not here,” he says, looking around quickly. Of course the hallway is empty, but it looks like he has something for my ears only. “Come up to the war room with me,” he says. “The campaign rented a hotel room where we’ve got all our supplies stashed.”
I stare at him.
“Yes, but isn’t someone going to come looking for you if you’re gone too long, Mr. Mayor? I mean, this is your event.”
“I’m not mayor yet,” he grins. “And besides, I’ll make it fast. Promise.”
With that, he takes my hand and leads me down the corridor, my heart going sixty miles an hour in my chest. Goodness, is this really happening? Is the gorgeous man taking me to a quiet, secluded place where we can be together? I should be scandalized, but instead, I trot after him, only wanting to find out what comes next.
“You’ll have to excuse the mess,” I apologize in a deep voice after unlocking the hotel room. “It’s hard to keep organized when there’s so much going on.”
Ginny steps inside, and I stop for a moment to admire her round ass. She’s curvy in all the right places, and her black dress emphasizes her wide hips, narrow waist, and of course, that beautiful bottom that I’d love to bite into. What would she taste like? Heaven, no doubt.
“No, it’s okay,” she says in a soft voice before turning to smile at me. “It’s totally understandable that it’s messy.”
After all, there are campaign posters and flyers scattered everywhere; T-shirts and hats and buttons with my name and face on them (which embarrasses me somewhat); and all sorts of little trinkets and memorabilia. The hotel room is a chaotic mess, but I guess that’s how these things go sometimes.
Then again, life could be worse. There’s a difference between being messy and being dirty, and this room simply falls into the category of utter chaos. Meanwhile, Ginny doesn’t seem to mind as she looks around with a small smile on her face.
Again, I can’t keep my eyes from trailing down her beautiful figure. She’s gorgeous. Her dress hugs her body exactly right with every curve highlighted. Her breasts are enormous but buoyant, and her ass jiggles ever so slightly as she turns. I swallow thickly, trying to will myself not to stare, but it’s hopeless. Instead, I clear my throat.
“Would you like to sit?” The question comes out sounding a little strained, and it’s awkward. “I mean, anywhere you can find an empty surface,” I jest. Holy fuck. I sound like I’m this close to losing my mind and that wouldn’t be far from the truth. My beautiful guest turns to smile at me over one slim shoulder again.
“I don’t know,” Ginny murmurs. “I mean, I’d like to, but isn’t someone going to come looking for you soon?” she asks. “This entire event is for you so people must be wondering where you are.”
I wave her off, shaking my head as I take a seat on the huge double bed. “No, it’s fine. It’s pretty busy downstairs and people are having a good time. You know this crowd. They like gossiping, debating, or stuffing their faces with hors d’oeuvres, so I don’t think I’ll be missed.”