Page 99 of Reaper (Dark in You 8)
“I know. I saw you.” He settled his hand on her thigh. “I always saw you. And I always wanted to haul you out of your seat, throw you over my shoulder, and take you home with me.”
“How very caveman of you. I might have been down with that. What? Why are you smiling like that?”
He gave a slight shake of the head. “No reason.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not sure I believe you.”
“I wouldn’t believe me either.”
“Tell me what’s going through your head.”
“Nah. I’d rather do this.” Levi planted a kiss on her mouth. “Yeah, needed that.” Before her, he’d never been big on kissing. He’d never really understood the appeal in it. For him, it had been more of a step in a dance. A means to an end. But he fucking loved taking her mouth. Loved tasting it, biting it, consuming it, seeing it stretched around his cock.
Shit, he needed to get those thoughts out of his head before he started getting hard right here in front of God and everyone.
“You two are so cute together,” said Devon, grinning. “So, who’s moving in with who after the danger is over? I’m guessing you don’t intend to live apart.”
“I agreed to move into Levi’s apartment,” said Piper.
He’d thought she might take a while to agree, but she’d been pretty easygoing about it. He suspected that he’d been right in thinking she wouldn’t feel the same way about her house after what occurred there.
“Solid choice,” said Devon. “It’s a good building. Totally secure. And I’ll be nearby … which means I can run to you with the baby when he or she won’t stop crying, because I’ll have no idea what I’m doing.”
Tanner curled his arm around Devon’s shoulders. “You’ll be fine.”
“Not if Khloë’s right,” she said.
“Not if I’m right about what?” asked the imp as she re-entered the box with Keenan behind her.
“Khloë said the baby might not like me if it’s a hellhound,” Devon told her mate. “Your kind considers mine prey. She could be right.”
Khloë waved her hand. “I was messing with you. Whether it’s a hellpup or hellkitten, it will adore you. It’ll just adore me more.” She frowned when Devon stared at her in silence. “What? Everybody does.”
The hellcat looked at Keenan. “I don’t know how you deal with her.”
Khloë sniffed. “I don’t know how you still haven’t taken a shit. I mean, that’s just unhealthy at this point.”
Keenan tugged gently on the imp’s hair. “Stop riling her up.”
Her eyes smiling, Khloë pouted. “But it makes me so happy.”
Devon rested a protective hand on her swollen belly. “You’re stressing out me and Mistletoe over here.”
Tanner’s brows snapped together. “Wait, Mistletoe?”
Devon shrugged. “It’s a nice girl’s name. I’m trying it out to see if it works for me. I still like Axis for a boy.”
Tanner slashed a hand through the air. “No kid of mine will be called Axis or Mistletoe.”
“Why do you keep rejecting all my suggestions?”
“Because they’re fucking bizarre at best.”
Khloë chuckled. “I already have my daughter’s name picked out.” She paused. “Belladonna.”
A line dented Tanner’s brow. “As in deadly nightshade?”
“It’s a way better plant than Mistletoe,” Khloë stated. “Totally badass.”
Tanner slid his gaze to Keenan. “You’re down with your kid being named Belladonna?”
Keenan lifted one shoulder. “I really don’t see the point in investing any time or energy in discussing the matter. She’ll have changed her mind by tomorrow.”
“What would you name the baby if given the choice?” Khloë asked Tanner. “Personally, I recommend you call it Mildred after my aunt if it’s a girl.”
Devon’s eyelid twitched. “You don’t have an Aunt Mildred, she doesn’t exist.”
Khloë’s lips flattened. “If she heard you say that, she’d—”
“Cry fictional tears?” Devon suggested.
Folding her arms, Khloë shook her head. “I can’t believe you don’t remember her.”
Piper leaned into Levi, and then her voice flowed into his head. Is Mildred real?
I truly have no idea, Levi replied. He turned his head as the door to the VIP box opened. Teague strode inside, tall and well-built, much like his demon.
Khloë’s face lit up. “About time you got here.”
“Hey there, gorgeous.” He bent and pressed a kiss to her head then tipped his chin at the incubus beside her. “Keenan.”
There was a time when the sentinel might have merely grunted in return, but he and Teague had grown to like each other.
“Congratulations on your win,” Keenan said to him.
The others all passed on their congratulations, including Levi. He then added, “This is Piper, my anchor and mate. Piper, this is Khloë’s anchor, Teague.”
She smiled at him. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Khloë.”
“Right back at you,” said Teague. He looked about to say more, but then a small body clamped around his leg.
“I wanna ride,” Asher announced.
Teague arched his brows. “You want a ride?”
The little boy nodded. “Uh-huh.”
Teague lifted Asher and set the kid on his shoulders. “How’s that?”