Page 74 of Reaper (Dark in You 8)
His brow furrowing in concern, Levi took a step closer, not liking how she stiffened. “What’s going on in that head of yours? Don’t say ‘nothing.’ Something is swirling around up there, and it’s upsetting you. I don’t like it.”
“My head is fine. I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.”
It had been a long fucking week. A week of craving her, missing her, trying to adjust to their new situation. He was failing massively at the latter.
His body, wound tight with unmet needs and far too desperate for her, seemed more acutely affected by her presence than ever before. The slightest thing made his blood heat—a hint of her scent, a flash of her dimples, the sway of her hips, the curving of her mouth. And knowing she wore his demon’s brands beneath those clothes only made the whole thing harder. He was pretty sure the entity had counted on that when it marked her. The little shit found Levi’s struggles amusing.
His demon had by no means given up on trying to make Levi’s control snap. It constantly sent him mental snapshots—some sexually explicit memories, some of Piper with faceless men. As such, a swirling brew of frustration, anger, and need sat in the pit of Levi’s stomach. And now motherfucking Celeste had evidently gotten into Piper’s head somehow, and God only knew what play that bitch had made.
“What did Celeste say that’s messing with you right now?”
“Nothing in particular. Don’t get all worked up about her visit. She’s not worth the emotional energy.”
“True enough. And you’re good at not letting her get to you. But she’s currently up there in your head, toying with your thoughts. How she wormed her way in, I can’t imagine. Tell me what she said, Piper. Let me help you shove her back out of your mind.”
Piper swallowed. “She didn’t say anything worth repeating. Anyway, I have another client coming in soon, I can’t afford to sit around chatting.”
He opened his mouth to speak again, but then Knox’s psyche bumped his.
I have good news and bad news, said the Prime. The bad news is that our killer struck again. The good news is that he didn’t kill his victim this time … though I have no fucking clue why.
It wasn’t a single mother with a young child this time. It was a twenty-four-year-old woman and her three-year-old sister. Missy and little Kyla had been home alone for a week, since their parents were on a business trip. As the single mothers of the lair were now well-protected, it appeared that the killer had sought out an alternative.
But he’d let her live.
Levi drove to the address of Missy and Kyla’s grandparents, where both girls would be staying until their parents returned. Even as he knew he needed to focus on the current matter, his mind kept drifting back to Piper; to worrying over just exactly what idea Celeste had planted in her head.
He silently cursed the banshee to hell and back. Things were already strained between him and Piper. The bitch had only made it worse, and for what? What had she hoped to achieve? What was the point when it wouldn’t change that he was in Piper’s life? And why wouldn’t Piper just tell him what was said?
Resolved that he’d get to the bottom of the matter later, Levi cut off the car’s engine as he reached his destination. Knox, Larkin, and Tanner were waiting for him in the front yard. Keenan pulled up mere moments after Levi.
As the five of them gathered on the lawn, Knox said, “I haven’t interviewed Missy yet, but I spoke to her grandmother. Lois claims that Missy’s holding up well under the circumstances. Missy hasn’t objected to us interviewing her. She wants justice. If any of you have questions for her, telepath them to me. I don’t want several people firing questions at her, it may make her overwhelmed.”
Levi and the other sentinels nodded.
“Force members are examining the crime scene as we speak.” Knox slid his gaze to Levi. “As no deaths occurred, there’ll be nothing for you to sense. Nonetheless, you’re welcome to walk through the house if you wish to. For now, though, let’s concentrate on Missy.”
Inside her grandparents’ living room, they found her sitting on a bulky upholstered chair, her arms wrapped around the legs she’d pulled up to her chest.
Levi, Knox, and the other sentinels took seats around the room, politely declining Lois’ offer of drinks. The woman stood behind Missy’s chair in support.
“Can you tell us what happened?” Knox gently asked her.
Missy licked her lips. “I don’t know who he was.”
“That’s all right.”
“No, it’s not. I can’t see his face in my head,” she explained, clearly close to freaking out. “It’s just a blur. He told me I’d forget him, that I wouldn’t remember what he looked like, but I didn’t believe him.”