Page 102 of Reaper (Dark in You 8)
“Probably. She was furious enough when she learned we were anchors.”
Levi sank his free hand into the water and linked his fingers through hers. “She’s going to kick up more of a fuss if I don’t nip this right in the bud. It needs to be handled in a way that discourages her from causing more problems. I know you’re used to her playing these games and causing petty drama. But that’s what pisses me off. You should never have had to get used to it.”
Piper nibbled on her lower lip. “She’s not going to be leaving that cell any time today, is she?” It wasn’t really a question.
“No. She needs to pay for all she did. And she will. But I intend to have a chat with her first. Her reign of pettiness ends now.” It had to. Piper had enough on her plate. He wasn’t going to let Celeste add to it. Nor would he allow her to be a future problem for his mate.
“When are you leaving?”
“Now. I’ll be back in about an hour and a half. Maybe less.”
She sighed. “Okay.”
Underwater, he gave her hand a little squeeze. “I was originally going to get in that tub with you. I’ll save that for next time.” He kissed her again, stood, and wiped his hands on the small towel. “See you soon. Love you, baby.” He turned and headed for the door, smiling at her squawk of surprise.
“Wait, what?” she called after him.
“Enjoy your bath,” he said.
She spluttered. “You can’t blurt out something like that and then swan out of here!”
But he did exactly that, chuckling to himself as a string of loud curses followed him out of the room.
Exiting his apartment, he told Enzo and Dez that he’d be back soon and then headed out. Not long later, he was pulling up outside the prison’s front entrance. The building not only had many complicated security measures in place, it was safeguarded by a myriad of spells that ensured no one could teleport inside or out. Moreover, every individual spell was covered with a protective spell to prevent anyone from unraveling them.
Waiting for Levi outside, Keenan pushed away from the wall he’d been leaning against. “Hey. How’s Piper?”
“Probably annoyed with me,” replied Levi.
“Why does that make you smile?”
“I wanted her to be thinking about something other than Celeste while I was gone. I’d say I achieved that. Now tell me exactly what went down at the Xpress bar last night.”
Gesturing for him to follow, Keenan pushed open the front door as he explained, “The bartender said she came alone and sat at the bar knocking back shot after shot, blowing off any man who came near her but otherwise not saying much of anything to anyone.”
“It’s unusual for Celeste to send men away,” said Levi as they crossed the reception area and bypassed the security desk. “She usually relishes such attention.”
“Not last night she didn’t.” Reaching the door that would lead to the first floor of cells—all of which were reserved for people who wouldn’t be confined long-term—Keenan punched the security code into the keypad on the wall. “Midway through yet another drink, it was like she quite simply snapped.”
There was a loud buzz, and then Keenan pulled open the door. They both stepped through it but neither proceeded down the corridor as he went on, “She started screaming. She grabbed glasses and threw them at the wall, the floor, even at people’s faces. She knocked over the nearest tables, slung a stool at someone, and even tossed coasters and bowls of complimentary nuts at the guys who tried calming her down.
“The bouncers came to remove her. She spat and swore and yelled at them as they hauled her out of the bar. She was still acting like a loon when Vin and Mason arrived to detain her.”
Levi’s demon shook its head in disgust. “Essentially, she had a tantrum.”
“Essentially. She’s not in the least bit sheepish or remorseful. In fact, she’s outraged that her demands to be freed have been ignored.”
Levi frowned. “She does remember what she did, right?”
“Actually, she claims she doesn’t remember a thing.” Keenan snorted in skepticism. “Also, she believes that none of it counts because she was drunk.”
Levi let out a heavy exhale. “Unreal.”
“She’s used to people—namely her father—making excuses for her behavior and letting her get away with shit to compensate for her mother leaving. Which is probably why she’s demanding she be allowed to call him. That demand has so far been ignored.” Keenan twisted his mouth. “You still want to talk to her?”
Levi nodded. “It has to be done.”
He and Keenan walked side by side as they headed toward the rows of cells. As they neared another security desk, they tipped their chin at the guard stood behind it.
“Evening,” said Omar, rounding the desk. He pressed a button, a buzzer sounded, and the iron door in front of Levi and Keenan then slid open.