Page 89 of Fallen (Dark in You 7)
Raini nodded. “Yes. And you. They wanted to make sure we’re both fine. They’re all pissed as hell that halo-bearers would dare go to the Underground, let alone launch an attack there. I think pretty much every demon out there will be mad about it.”
He agreed. For demons, that was their place. Their playground. Their territory. Angels had no business being there.
Once he’d finished talking with his lair, Maddox took Raini up to his room, where she promptly kicked off her high heels. He’d just opened the top few buttons of his shirt when his cell phone rang. He checked the screen. Viper. Maddox answered, “I take it you heard.”
“I heard,” said Viper. “The news traveled fast. It’s not every day that angels take the chance those three took.”
“They didn’t try to kill me,” Maddox told him, watching as Raini sat on the bed, her thumbs tapping crazily fast on the screen of her cell. She’d calmed down for the most part, so it seemed that her anger ran hot and fast. “They tried to take me.”
“Castiel probably sent them to nab you,” Viper theorized. “Your last taunt must have worked.”
“But not enough to make him come to me, which is what I ultimately want.”
“I’d say you’ll get what you want. Now that you’ve killed his minions for the third time, it will reflect badly on him if he doesn’t take control of the situation and deal with you directly. He can’t afford to be seen as someone who won’t avenge his own people—an archangel like that would never make one of the Seven. Plus, I doubt many more halo-bearers will be prepared to essentially sacrifice themselves unless he shows some decent leadership. So there’s a high chance you’ll be facing him soon.”
His demon hummed in satisfaction. “Good.”
“Don’t underestimate him, Maddox. Don’t mistake his failure to face you as fear on his part. Castiel is powerful and ballsy. The only reason he hasn’t deigned to face you himself so far is that he’s so supremely arrogant, he sees this realm and everyone in it as beneath his notice. If wiping out descendants wouldn’t gain him favor, he wouldn’t have even spared you a thought.”
“That sort of arrogance can be a weakness.” One Maddox intended to exploit.
“That it can,” Viper agreed. “I’m only saying you need to be ready, because dealing with an archangel is a lot different to dealing with the halo-bearers he’s been sending your way. His power far exceeds theirs. He won’t make an easy opponent.”
“Why would I want an easy opponent?”
Viper chuckled. “I feel like we have so much in common. You know, it surprised me that they didn’t make a try for your anchor. They mustn’t have gotten word that you and her are now bonded, or they’d have killed her to weaken you. Watch her closely, Maddox. Castiel doesn’t fight fair. It would be just like the sly bastard to kill her as part of punishing you for eliminating so many of his minions.”
Maddox had already considered that, which was why he’d brought her straight here. “She’ll be watched closely.” Probably more closely than she’d like.
Viper spoke to someone in the background and then sighed. “Got to go, Maddox. Don’t forget to call on me if you need to.”
“I won’t.” Maddox ended the call and stalked over to his anchor, who was now scowling at her phone. “Something wrong?”
Raini looked up at him. “It shouldn’t be so hard to convince a person not to work off their anger by burning the property of random people.”
“I take it you’re referring to your father.”
“Yes. He doesn’t see why it’s a big deal, because ‘objects can be replaced; material things aren’t what’s really important in life.’ Oh, and ‘crime keeps the economy going.’”
Despite its anger, Maddox’s demon chuckled. It liked Lachlan Campbell. So did Maddox. The imp was a man who, like Maddox, saw the beauty in revenge.
She tossed her cell on the mattress beside her. “Hopefully my mom will get through to him, because I can’t.” She puffed out a breath. “Sorry I got so mad and went on a rant.”
“You don’t need to apologize. It was actually quite entertaining to watch. And it calmed my demon down a little, because you had most of its attention.”
She snorted. “Glad I could be of service, I guess. What about you? Are you okay?”
“No. I had a nice evening planned, and those angels ruined it.”
“Hmm, what did your plans entail?”
“I wanted to relax you. Feed you. Fuck you.”
Her pupils dilated. “You did relax me. You did feed me. And I certainly hope you still have every intention of fucking me.”
“Oh, I do. After we’ve gotten something straight.”
She groaned. “I’m not gonna like this, am I?”
“I’d like to think it won’t bother you too much. You spend most of your time here with me anyway.”