Page 42 of Shadows (Dark in You 5)
His hound technically should have bristled at her attitude—particularly since said attitude came from what it viewed as a lesser demon—but the hound found her ballsy defiance somewhat entertaining. Not a lot amused the demon.
Holding her gaze, Tanner gently shackled her wrists and circled her pulse points with his thumbs. “The only cock these hands should be touching is mine.” She didn’t lift her chin defiantly. Didn’t snap at him. Didn’t even appear to bristle. She just looked back at him, as if utterly bored. It was a look that said, “Not sure why we’re having this conversation because no amount of dictating to me will ever get you what you want.” Yeah, he was beginning to realize that.
Devon sucked in a breath as he placed the palm he’d marked right over his dick. It was hard and throbbing within the confines of his jeans. And as he curled her fingers around the shaft as best he could, she felt an answering tingle in her clit.
Devon didn’t blush or snatch her hand back. She looked him dead in the eye, because fuck if she’d let him ruffle her. “You don’t want to push me too hard, pooch,” she warned, loading the latter word with condescension. She squeezed his cock just shy of pain.
He grunted, and a small smile curled his lips. “You can make that up to me later. With your mouth.”
She pulled her hands free and planted them on her hips. “Keep dreaming, asshole. Now don’t we have somewhere we need to be?”
“Yes,” he said, taking her hand again. “We do.”
Tanner watched from the thick shadows of the parking lot as a lanky male stepped out of the veterinary clinic and locked the door behind him. The guy flicked up his collar, as if to protect his neck from the cool breeze, and then strode toward the parking lot.
Jolene’s voice flowed into Tanner’s mind. That’s Sheridan. I recognize him from his social media photos.
Yeah, Tanner had seen the same pictures—he’d looked the guy up too. Recognizing their target, his hound flexed its claws, raring to strike. Let’s move, Tanner said to Jolene. He positioned himself in front of Devon as they all headed toward the demon who was currently tossing a bag in the trunk of his car.
Jolene’s high heels click-clacked on the pavement. “Dr. Sheridan, isn’t it?”
He spared her the briefest look over his shoulder and closed his trunk. “The clinic is now closed, I’m afraid.” He turned to face them. “You need to—” His eyes widened as they focused on Jolene, and his entire body went stock-still. He gave a whole new meaning to the term “deer in the headlights.”
“Ah, I see that I don’t need to introduce myself,” said Jolene. “That’s good, and it will save us some time. We have a few questions for you, Dr. Sheridan. It’s in your best interest to answer them honestly.”
“Q-questions about what?” he stammered, skimming his frantic gaze along each of them. A cold fear flashed across his face when that gaze landed on Tanner. But it didn’t show even the smallest flash of recognition when it slid to Devon. Apparently, the guy was going to play dumb.
“Let’s start with your interest in Devon Clarke,” Jolene proposed.
“Devon Clarke?” Sheridan gave a quick shake of the head. “I’ve never heard of her.”
Jolene sighed. “There’s little point in feeding us lies. Maddox Quentin told us of his dealings with you.”
Sheridan’s head jerked back. “I’ve never spoken to Maddox Quentin. I go to his club a lot, I know who he is—most people do. But I’ve never officially met him, let alone had a conversation with him.”
“That’s not what he said.”
“Well, then, he lied.”
Jolene lifted a brow. “You didn’t hire him to compile a dossier on Devon for you?”
“No!” Sheridan denied, his voice bordering on hysterical.
“You hadn’t considered her as a potential female to breed with?”
“No! I have a mate, for God’s sake!”
“Then why did you want that intel?” asked Devon, speaking for the first time. She’d agreed in advance to let Jolene take the lead on this one, but it was hard to stay quiet. She’d come there prepared to rip the guy a brand-new ass hole unless he could prove he hadn’t been behind her kidnapping. As she stared at the male, she felt a niggle of doubt slither through her mind. He was either telling the truth or he was an exceptionally talented liar.
“That’s a question I think you should answer,” Tanner told him, taking a single step toward him.
Eyes flickering, Sheridan backed into his vehicle and licked his lips nervously. “Look, whatever Maddox Quentin told you … he was lying.”
Devon gave him a bored look. “Really?”
“Yes,” insisted Sheridan. “I’m telling you, I never tried making any deals with him.”
“Then just why would he name you?” Devon challenged.
“I don’t know! I do know I didn’t hire him at any point for any-fucking-thing.” Sheridan shook his head, swallowing hard. “I swear, I had nothing to do with whatever this is.”