Page 117 of Shadows (Dark in You 5)
When he was finally free, he hurried his ass to find the bomb, but didn’t bother to check how much time they had once he found it. Didn’t need to, because Knox called on the flames, and they rippled along the ground toward the bomb, consuming it.
“Now we leave,” Tanner growled.
Prowling towards Leticia, the feline peeled back its upper lip, baring its venom-tipped fangs. It snapped its teeth, and she flinched.
“Oh no, there’s no way you’re getting near me with those teeth.” Leticia pushed off the wall. “You’re one scary-looking bitch, I’ll give you that. You’ll also be a dead scary-looking bitch when I’m done with you.” She flicked her hand, and power slashed out like a knife. The feline moved fast, avoiding the blow. Porcelain shattered as the scalpel-sharp energy sliced right through the empty mug.
The feline sneered at her poor effort but didn’t retaliate. It wanted to play with its prey a little before it killed this bitch who had sent Devon back to a time in her life that had almost destroyed her. Oh, the female would pay for that.
Control and power were important things to her—the demon could sense it. So it would show her just how much weaker she was than the feline; would take away the control she needed; would make her feel a terror so thick she could choke on it, just as Devon once had.
Backing away, Leticia made an exasperated sound in the back of her throat. She flicked out her hand again. The feline ducked, and the curtain rod behind it clanged to the wooden floor as the power severed it.
Leticia’s fingers retracted like claws. “For fuck’s sake!”
She struck out again and again. Wicked fast, the feline ducked and dodged, evading each one. Glass splintered as pictures fell to the floor. The coffee table toppled after one leg was shaved off. The sofa dipped after it was almost sliced in two. Each time the harbinger missed, the feline would sneer or let out a chuff of disgust.
Still, Leticia redoubled her efforts. Items fell, crashed, shattered, and snapped. But the feline remained untouched.
It sniffed at her and twitched its tail, communicating how very unimpressed it was. The harbinger’s heart was pounding hard and fast now with a fear that the feline delighted in. The scent of said fear was wafting from her like the sweetest perfume, making satisfaction unfurl in the demon’s belly.
Licking her lips, she looked to Eric for the briefest moment, as if to ask him for help, but he was still engaged in a struggle with Finn. “Will you just fucking die!” Leticia flicked her hand hard, and a wave of sharp power slightly scoured the feline’s flank, shaving off fur but not cutting into flesh.
The demon bared its fangs and scratched at the floor with its paw. It sent Leticia a telepathic image of herself lying dead in a puddle of her own blood. Then it pounced.
Leticia backpedaled fast and skirted the sofa, placing it between them as if it would protect her. The feline chuffed in disdain at her cowardice.
A loud cry of sheer agony burst out of Finn. The hellcat looked to see the male clutching at a heavily bleeding chest wound. Devon pushed to the surface, worried for him; urging the demon to help—
A blazing pain sliced the feline’s ear, almost ripping it off. Redhot fury surged through its veins. It leaped on top of the sofa and roared, letting out a thin stream of fire that rippled along the rug and licked up Leticia’s pants, chewing the material.
She squealed in shock. A wave of Leticia’s hand put out the flames, but the feline could smell charred flesh, knew it had scored a hit.
Cheeks flushed with anger, eyes bright with fear, Leticia tossed a series of hellfire orbs in quick succession—one, two, three. The first two missed. The third slammed into the feline’s shoulder; it was like being bit by a boiling hot rock, and it made the demon awkwardly slide off the sofa. It landed on its feet, hissing at the burn on its shoulder.
Ignoring the pain, the demon leaped over the sofa and roared again, directing more flames at its prey. But Leticia had already scrambled backwards and put distance between them. Still, the fire licked at her bare arm.
She screamed as the searing heat scorched her, making blisters pebble her flesh. “You fucking—”
The feline dived at Leticia, knocking her flat on her back. She held the feline’s head in place with both hands, screaming as it clawed at her belly; ripping, burning, and charring her skin with its flaming paws. The smell of her blood and terror only spurred it on.
It shook its head hard, trying to break free of her grip so it could sink its teeth into her throat, but she held it firm. The feline kept on shredding her stomach with its claws, slicing it open and tearing at her insides until its paws were slick with her blood.