Page 30 of Bound to Cruelty
“Well, of course, you have to be kept safe,” Emmanuelle says, then takes a sip of his wine.
I follow suit, needing some distraction from the situation and from Michail tormenting me with little more than a brush of his fingertips. Am I that hard up for connection? For touch? I’d be better off hiring one of the casino prostitutes. At least they won’t mouth off while they help me out.
The councilman gives me an expectant look. Shit. I wasn’t paying attention. Michail chuckles softly from beside me. “Forgive me, Councilman. What were you saying?”
“I asked again if you’ve decided about my proposal.”
I clear my throat, ready to answer, when Michail’s other hand trails over my knee. Quickly, I shove it away, trying to be as surreptitious as possible, but something tells me Emmanuelle misses very little.
Michail, of course, doesn’t take the hint, curling his hand over my bare thigh and sliding it up under my dress. There’s no way to pry his fingers loose without alerting Emmanuelle to my problem, so I take another drink of the rich earthy red wine and give him a winning smile. One I’ve practiced hundreds of times. It says I’ll do what you want, but you’re not going to like it.
The way Michail’s fingers tighten and slide higher, I feel he catches the subtext under the curve of my lips.
“I’ve actually considered your proposal thoroughly. While it benefits both of us, provided I get out of this little coup alive, and retake my seat, I feel the benefits weigh highly on your side of things. Once we marry, I won’t be Selena Aquila anymore. I’ll be the councilman’s wife, and sweetie, trust me, I am not titled with another person’s name.”
His eyes narrow, his sharp cheekbones making his face appear more menacing in his anger. “So you are declining, something you could have done over the phone and saved me a trip.”
He stands and buttons his suit jacket. When he turns to give us a nod, I pin him with a glare. “Sit down, shut up, and listen. I’m accepting your proposal, but we will have some provisions.”
The councilman looks shocked at her tone, and I have to admit, I like the look on him. It also does something to me to hear her bitchy side come out toward others. She can mouth off to anyone she likes, except me.
If she weren’t talking about marrying this asshole, this entire situation might even be a bit fun.
I trail my fingers up her spine and dig into the hair curling at the nape of her neck. The councilman’s eyes flick to me, then back to Selena as if he wants to say something about me touching her. Interesting.
Instead, he leans back into his chair and throws his arm over the empty one beside him. The picture of rich boredom. “And what might these terms be? I’ll need to be aware before I agree, of course.”
Beside me, Selena doesn’t so much as flinch at the ice in his tone. “Naturally. They are simple. This won’t be a real engagement. As much as I love the idea of solidifying and taking power of two cities, we both know I’ll never be able to hold power here, not as your wife, and you being a member of the council already.”
His eyebrow lifts slightly, acknowledging her point.
“Furthermore,” she continues, “you will offer me all the protection I require, whether I am here, or in my city. As well as protection should I need to travel between, or elsewhere.”
Now he sits forward and clasps his hands on the table. A silver ring glints on his pinky, some kind of house crest. Studying him closer, now I spot the calluses on his fingers, the faint scars on his face. His rich boy routine is an act. Even more interesting.
I’m wishing I didn’t have to kill this man after all.
I turn my focus back to Selena as she continues to outline her terms. “We’ll play the parts, pretend, and when I retake my seat and you ascend to yours, we’ll maintain an alliance, but drop the engagement. You can break it off, or say you broke it off, anyway you wish.”
Emmanuelle’s eyes shift to me and narrow. “And if I don’t want our relationship to be in name only? What if I want access to your body?”
I tighten my hand on the back of Selena’s neck and glare at the councilman, who’s staring right back, the same sharp focus in his eyes.
Selena clears her throat. “That is not on the table. We aren’t lovers, and I doubt we’d suit anyway. You’re far too high-handed for me.”
I drag my eyes to the side of her face and smirk. Does she realize how controlling I’ll be if I get my hands on her?
I consider a second longer and ease my fingers from her skin. No. I can’t afford to be thinking that way. Not while I’m supposed to be doing a job. Not when Kai will skin me alive if he finds out I’ve even touched her.