Page 2 of Bound to Cruelty
“The fact that none of us have met her or anyone in your family. That tells me straight out they are something you want to hide or something you don’t think is an active part of your life. So, on that note, is there something about your family I should know, anything about your sister specifically?”
He snorts. “No, and the only reason I haven’t introduced any of you is because I consider this my family. They are blood, but you, you are family. And as for my sister, she’s a spoiled brat who loves power above all else. Don’t let her get under your skin, or she’ll burrow deep and cause actual damage.”
I nod, and then sigh. “Fine, I’ll do as you ask, but you owe me.”
His eyes narrow. “What do you want?”
“I want off safe houses and moved to the casino. Alexei can take the safe houses for now; I have an idea about hiding your sister in plain sight.”
“At the casino?”
“Why not? Might as well put her to work if she’s staying with us.”
He moves like he is about to sit up but thinks better of it. “My sister will not be working the bars.”
“Really?” I shake my head. “I’m not that big an idiot. I won’t force your sister to whore for her room and board, for fuck’s sake. Besides, we pride ourselves on women who actually want to be there. Something tells me working at all is a concept your sister is unfamiliar with.”
“Just go.”
I head toward the door but stop when he calls my name. I wait, listening.
“If you fuck my little sister, I’ll kill you.”
Wow. I shoot him a glare and don’t justify that statement with a response. Like I have time to get my dick wet when every damn heiress needs a protector these days, and the Doubeck family seems to be intent on protecting them all.
No. Right now, all I have time for is packing my bag and calling to get the helicopter ready to depart.
I head to my room and throw open my closet to reveal my stash of weapons on one side, clothing on the other. Everything from tuxedos to rags. There are many parts I’ve played over the years. Many faces I’ve worn to secure Adrian’s power. Today might call for something a little unconventional. At least until I get the measure of Kai’s sister and what kind of danger she poses to us. I’ll keep her safe, but only until the moment she puts Adrian and his power base at risk. Then I’ll face Kai’s wrath, even if he chooses to kill me.
Once I land in Chicago, head to one of our safe houses there, and change, it’s time to get to work. With her cell phone signal, the one she used to contact Kai, it’s easy enough to trace her. I only hope she was smart enough to use a burner and hasn’t contacted anyone else with it.
I find her on the corner of a busy intersection, black, high-heeled boots clicking on the asphalt. Her hood is up, obscuring her hair, but by the way she ambles along, she doesn’t seem too concerned. At least not out here surrounded by civilians.
I adjust the pack on my back, pull the brim of my Chicago Cubs hat lower over my brow, and follow her and the mass of people into the subway. I’m very good at preparing for a stakeout. I’ve already loaded my metro card, and it’s easy enough to follow her onto the platform. While she may be a small woman, five-foot-five in those boots, she has a presence of power about her I’ve learned to recognize in others.
She’ll need to strip that away, too, if she plans to stay safe out here in the open. Moving quickly, she gets on the train and finds a stance next to a doorway, her hand gripping the upper rail. I keep my distance, but my eyes stay on her through the crowd, the black sunglasses ensuring she doesn’t see me watching her.
After a moment, she turns her face toward me, and I’m shocked she actually picks me out of the crowd. On a whim, I touch the brim of my hat, acknowledging her attention. This causes her to narrow her eyes and face out the window despite the fact it’s pitch black in the subway tunnels surrounding us.
When the car slows, she shoves through the crowd to reach me, stopping at the door I’ve parked myself near. “If you are with them, tell them to fuck off and leave me alone. You won’t kill me here in front of all these people.”
I scan the crowd. “A knife to the gut takes seconds, and no one will see a thing except the student who tried to help you before the cops showed up, and he got scared.”