Page 20 of Ruthless (Enemies to Lovers 4)
Not wanting the guys to notice that I just got my ass handed to me by Willow, I get up and go back to my room. I need to process what just happened.
But I have no idea where to even begin.
I took a huge chance last night, and I hope I won’t regret it.
I might be making a huge mistake, giving Marcus a chance, but I think there’s so much more to him than the cocky smirk and callous behavior.
If I’m right about him, there’s a possibility that we can become good friends.
That’s why I’m knocking on his front door at nine in the morning. I only have to be in class at twelve, so I thought we could spend some time together. It’s the only way we’ll get to know each other.
When I knock again, Carter opens the door. He looks surprised to see me, and I’m sure Marcus will be even more shocked.
“Is Marcus here?”
“He’s up in his room,” Carter says as he lets me in.
I glance up the stairs. “Which room is his?”
“The one at the end of the hallway.”
I smile nervously at Carter, not that he sees it because he’s already walking away from me.
As I climb the stairs, I take deep breaths. I can’t help but feel anxious. I wasn’t lying when I told Marcus that I like him. I really want to be friends with him, but that doesn’t take away the fact that he’s dangerously hot. I think that’s how he fools people into believing he’s a badass. They’re so blinded by his looks that they
don’t see the real person.
When I get to his bedroom door, I knock first. There’s no answer, and as I slowly open the door, I pray he’s alone in bed. It would definitely not be a good start to our friendship for me to walk in on him and a girl.
I peek around the room, and when I see him alone in bed, I smile with relief. I leave my bag at the door and walk to the side of the bed. He’s lying on his stomach with his arms tucked under the pillow. I watch him sleep, his face relaxed and free from worry. There are no angry scowls.
As he starts to wake, he turns onto his back, and the covers get stuck under him. I can’t keep my eyes from exploring his chest, taking in every muscle and curve. I notice a scar on the left side of his chest. The slight imperfection ads to his beauty.
He lifts a hand to his face, which makes my eyes dart away from his chest. The last thing I need is to be caught staring at him.
“Morning,” I say brightly.
He darts up as if I tasered him. For a moment he looks confused, but then his features become guarded again. He moves so fast, I have to take a step back so he can get out of bed. He grabs a shirt and quickly shrugs it on before he turns back to me.
“What are you doing in my room?” His voice is rough and sexy as hell.
“I thought we could spend the morning together so we can get to know each other.” He gives me an incredulous look. Before he can think of an excuse why we shouldn’t spend some time together, I say, “Just as friends. Consider it a fresh start. Let me buy you breakfast.”
“Just so we’re clear,” he says as he steps into a pair of jeans, “this better not become a habit.”
“It won’t.”
I smile widely, and inside I’m dancing with happiness. So far it’s going much better than I thought it would.
“Also, when we spend time together it will not be a date.”
“Of course.”
When he’s done slipping on his shoes, he comes to stand in front of me.