Page 83 of Careless (Enemies to Lovers 3)
She nods, dropping the water bottle to her lap.
“Carter’s not the kind of guy you insult and get away with it. He’s the heartless one in the group.”
“Heartless?” I ask. “He made sure you got home safe.”
“Only because I have this love-hate thing going with Rhett. Those four guys are Carter’s family. He’ll do anything for them. I’ve known him for three years and he still keeps me at a safe distance.”
“So you’re telling me not to apologize? I’m not afraid of admitting when I’m wrong.”
Evie turns her body towards mine and looks me right in the eye.
“You’re only going to waste your time and make things worse. There was this girl who cheated on Jaxson. Carter got her to strip down to her underwear, thinking they were going to have sex. He made her do the walk of shame out of their house in her underwear. Carter doesn’t forgive he gets even. It would be better if you just ignore it all. It’s not like you see him a lot anyway.”
I take the bottle of water from her and open it. I take a few sips, thinking about what she just said. I didn’t take him for the cruel kind. Maybe Evie’s right? It’s not like I see him often. Besides, it’s only a few more months before I have my degree. We’re from different worlds. Once we leave here, I’ll never see Carter again.
Curiosity gets the better of me, and I ask, “Why do you hang out with them? They look like trouble.”
She looks deep in thought when she says, “They’re not trouble, Della. They’re my family. Few people know this, but I had nothing. I was one meal away from starving and living on the street when Rhett found me.” She looks around the apartment. “All of this is because of them. They are paying for my studies, for everything I need.”
Shock ripples through me. Never in a million years would I have guessed that Evie once lived on the streets.
“What do they want in return?” I ask. No one does anything unless they stand to gain something in return.
She shakes her head. “Nothing. At first, I thought there was a catch. I mean, people just aren’t that good, you know? But they have never asked for anything, Della. That’s why I love them. They are far from perfect, but th
ey’re mine.”
I take another sip of water, absorbing everything Evie has told me.
“Who came up with their name, Screw Crew?”
Evie chuckles as she relaxes back against the couch. This is the most we’ve ever talked. I have to admit it’s nice.
“That’s Marcus. He was the first to start with it. If you’ve slept with one of the guys then you’re a Screw Crew babe.”
“Are you?” I drop my eyes from hers. “Sorry, that’s a personal question.”
She gives me a sad smile and shakes her head. “No, I’m not. They have this rule that sisters are off limits.”
I frown, not following. “But you’re not related to any of them.”
“They see me as one, so I’m off limits. It’s a stupid rule if you ask me. There’s only me and Mia, Rhett’s sister. Rhett made the rule when Mia turned eighteen. I think Logan is in love with her. If Rhett just looks in my direction then Logan reminds him of the rule. I think he’s trying to force Rhett to break it, so he can have a relationship with Mia.”
“Logan is the nice one that was on his phone?”
She nods. “He’s always on his phone. He thinks no one knows that he’s constantly texting with Mia, but I’ve had a glimpse at the screen.”
“Why doesn’t Rhett break the rule?”
A sad look shadows Evie’s green eyes. “Mia is his world. He’ll give up everything to protect her and no one is worthy of dating his little sister.”
“She’s going to date with or without his permission,” I state the obvious. “He can’t expect her not to date while he screws everything in sight.” There’s a flicker of pain on her face, and it makes me regret my words. “Sorry, Evie.”
“You’re right,” she says, shrugging away the pain. “Where Carter is heartless, Rhett is shameless. At first, I used to think that he slept with so many girls to avoid committing to one. With time, I realized that’s just a lie I’m telling myself to lessen the pain. He takes care of me and Mia. He’s committed to us. I’m just a little sister to him.”
“Men are idiots,” I grumble.
Continue Carter and Della’s story ~