Page 72 of Careless (Enemies to Lovers 3)
Rhett walks in and pretends to look around for someone. “What? No sponge bath today?”
“Shut up,” Marcus hisses, giving him a glare of warning.
Rhett starts to chuckle which makes me ask. “What did I miss?”
“Nothing,” Marcus says way too quickly, which means there’s definitely something I’ve missed out on.
Rhett wags his eyebrows. “Miss Sebastian has been giving Marcus sponge baths.”
“Fuck you, Rhett,” Marcus grumbles, but I can see the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Carter and Logan walk into the room, stopping me from making a comment.
“Thanks for meeting me here guys,” I say as soon as they’re all settled. “I want to discuss either opening a branch here or if you’re prepared, to buy me out of IIP.”
They all stare at me blankly, as if I’m not making any sense.
“I’m going to stay here with Leigh,” I explain.
Carter looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “Jax, in all the time we’ve known each other, have I not had your back?”
Now I’m confused. “What does that have to do with me staying here?”
“It’s already done. Logan and I put in an offer to purchase a building, which we hope you’ll like. Logan will stay here with you to help set up things and hire top management. I’m heading back today, but Rhett is staying for another week. Right, Rhett?”
Rhett glances away from the TV for a second. “Yeah, sure.”
“You all fucking knew? Assholes,” I laugh at them, relieved that they’re okay with me setting up a branch for Indie Ink Publishers in California.
“If that’s all you wanted to discuss, I’m going to go. I miss my girls.”
Logan walks out with Carter while Rhett’s eyes are glued to the TV.
“So, it’s the real thing? You and Doc,” Marcus asks.
“Yeah. Are you okay with staying here?”
“Of course he is. He loves Miss Sebastian way too much to leave her,” Rhett answers.
“I swear to God, Rhett,” Marcus says as he starts to laugh, but immediately stops and winces in pain.
“Tomorrow is the big day,” I say. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to get out of here. Fuck, I’m dying for pizza, or a burger, or buffalo wings… shit, I’m going to stuff my face.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” I glance at Rhett. “Don’t make him laugh.”
I leave the guys and walk up to the nurses’ station.
“Hey, Miss Sebastian. Have you seen, Doc?”
When we heard Rhett calling him Miss Sebastian, we all started. I’m actually impressed with Rhett. He goes out of his way to treat Sebastian like a woman. I’ve even caught them flirting. I swear there’s nothing on this planet that can catch Rhett off guard.
“Over there, lover boy.” Sebastian tilts his head to where Leigh is coming out of an office.
“Thanks. Are we still on for Friday night?”
“Oh, hell yeah. I’ll drag Marcus up on stage in a wheelchair if I have to. He owes me a song.”