Page 70 of Careless (Enemies to Lovers 3)
The phone slides out of my hand as I stare at her.
“Say that again,” I whisper.
“I love you, Jaxson. I love you so much that it can’t be measured. My love for you is infinite.”
“How did I get so lucky?” I ask as I pull her against me.
“You got me wet.”
I laugh as I press my mouth against hers.
“I like it when you’re wet,” I growl against her lips as I start to unbutton her shirt.
I’m busy with my rounds and checking on Marcus while Sebastian is giving him a sponge bath.
I hear a slap and tear my eyes away from the monitors to see what they’re up to.
Marcus is covered from the waist down, and Sebastian keeps trying to push the material lower so he can wash Marcus.
“Stop it,” Marcus growls as he pushes Sebastian’s hand away again.
Sebastian shoves his hands into his sides and glares down at Marcus with a raised eyebrow.
“Darling, if you have a problem with me washing your ding-dong, I can always let Leigh do it.”
Marcus opens his mouth and closes it again a few times, clearly at a loss for words.
“I don’t mind,” I say, just to tease Marcus.
“Hell no, woman! You want Jaxson to kill me? I just made it through one life-threatening event.”
“What’s it gonna be, babe? Are you gonna keep still or are you taking your chances with Jaxson not finding out you made his woman touch your ding-dong?”
“I can do it myself,” Marcus wines.
Sebastian starts to laugh and holds the sponge out to him.
“Fine. Let’s see you do it.”
Marcus freezes, and after a few minutes, he glares at Sebastian.
“You want it to rot and fall off?” Sebastian adds.
“Fuck, you’re worse than a woman,” he snaps.
“Thank you, babe,” Sebastian exclaims. “I’ll take it as a compliment coming from you because you’re being a real dick.”
“Just fucking get it over with.” He hisses while shutting his eyes.
I watch as Sebastian keeps it professional and quick, and moves on to wash Marcus’ legs.
The door opens, and Rhett walks in.
“Hey, bro,” he says, then he looks up, and he freezes. His eyebrows shoot into his hairline. “Dafuug?”