Page 49 of Reckless (Enemies to Lovers 2)
I’ve taken the late flight to North Carolina. Logan will join me tomorrow, to help me pack everything.
The guys will never sell the house, it holds too many good memories, but I want my mother’s things in my home.
I smile as I get into a cab. I’m excited to see the house again, and I’m looking forward
to spending the weekend here with Logan. This is where I fell in love with him.
When the cab pulls up to the house, I quickly pay, then grab my bag and get out. As the cab drives off, I stare at the house where I met Logan, Jaxson, Marcus, and Carter. I stare at my family home and feel an overwhelming sense of comfort, knowing I can call such great men my family.
When I unlock the door, I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the familiar scent that always filled the house. I place my bag by the door and take the stairs up to the bedrooms.
I’m so deep in thought that I almost have a heart attack when Logan says, “Hey, did you have a bad day?”
My heart skips a beat, just like the last day he asked me that question. I was only expecting to see him tomorrow, but I have to admit, this is a nice surprise. He must’ve taken an earlier flight, having planned to surprise me all along.
“It’s nothing. Did you all skip class again?” I repeat my question from the day we first kissed, not being able to keep the huge smile from my face.
I’m so lucky that I have him. The fact that he wants to role play the day he taught me how to kiss, just emphasizes how much he truly loves me.
“No, it was canceled. There’s a game tonight.” Logan tilts his head, and his eyes search my face, just like the day he first kissed me. Now I know when he looks at me like that he sees the real me. “Want to talk about it?”
As I walk into my room, Logan follows me inside. He takes a seat on my bed, which brings back the intense emotions I felt for him as a teenager, in love with a boy. I missed seeing him like this, in this house.
“Talk to me, Mia. I might be able to help, and worse case I can listen.”
I laugh out loud, enjoying this so much. How did I ever get so lucky to find a man that’s willing to recreate one of the most amazing days of my life?
“I haven’t kissed anyone yet and today all my friends were talking about their first kisses. It felt like …” I let the words trail away, feeling a little sad for the teenager I used to be.
“It felt like?” Logan stands up and walks to where I am. When I don’t answer him, he gently places a finger under my chin and lifts my face, so I have to look at him.
“It felt like …” I swallow hard, feeling overwhelmed. “I used to think I was fat and ugly.” I shake my head. “But when I looked in your eyes, I never saw myself that way. You never saw me that way. I always saw how beautiful I was in your eyes.”
I can see that my words throw him.
“You’re not fat and you sure as hell aren’t ugly, Mia.” He falls right back into the moment.
“What if I meet a guy who wants to kiss me and I mess it up?”
“Is that what’s really bothering you?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to look like an idiot.”
“Do you want to learn how to kiss?”
“It’s not like I can go for lessons somewhere,” I whisper, knowing what’s next.
“I can show you.”
“Would you be okay with that?”
He drops his hands from my neck and smiles. It’s different this time, as if he’s nervous.
“Of course I’m okay with it,” he whispers. “This is the part where my heart was beating out of my chest. I couldn’t believe you’d let me show you how to kiss.”
He takes a step closer to me and places a hand on the back of my neck, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. That’s all it takes, just one touch.
“If you worry too much about it, you’ll end up missing out on the whole experience.”