Page 39 of Bride
Most of the time,people come to me when I need something. Today is one of the rare instances where I’m too impatient to wait. My private jet lands at the Dubai airport, and I charter a helicopter to take me to Dean Maddox’s man-made private island off the coast.
He couldn’t just buy a house somewhere exotic, no, he had to have an entire island. I get it, though. When you’re in his line of work, privacy is important. And so is me speaking to him about the wedding.
After the helicopter lands, I exit and walk to where Dean stands near the helipad on his little oasis. “Must be something pretty important for you to fly all the way out here.”
I shake his hand. “I’m getting married.”
“Oh, shit.” He laughs a little and we hop into his golf cart so he can take me over to his main house.
“Place looks great,” I tell him once he pulls up to his sun-bleached palace. The sprawling house opens straight to the beach, with floor-to-ceiling glass walls that disappear to let the breeze in, allowing the white curtains to wave in the wind.
“Let’s hope it stays here. I’ve had to bring more sand in to keep the whole damn thing afloat.”
“Yeah? I’ve been hearing there’s been a few issues.” I exit the cart and look up at the palm trees.
Dean laughs. “A few?” he asks, sarcastically.
I follow him inside, glancing around at all the white furniture decorated with sea-green pillows. “It’s a really nice place, though.”
“Yeah, I invested for one of the bigger islands. I love it.” He moves toward the kitchen that overlooks the main room. “Did you want something to drink?”
“Got a beer?” I take a seat on a metal stool at the counter and realize I probably need something stronger, because the first thought that went through my mind wasn’t how cool this place is, it was ‘Dean could never have a kid in this house.’ Everything’s white. Floors, furniture, walls. Even his kitchen is immaculate, with white state-of-the-art appliances and cabinets surrounded by granite-white countertops.
He opens the fridge and pulls out two Heinekens. He pops the top off one and slides it toward me. “Now tell me about this wedding of yours.”
I take a long swallow of the ice cold beer, letting it coat the back of my dry throat before I launch into the whole deal with my grandfather using this marriage as a ransom over my livelihood.
“Damn.” He takes a pull from his beer and his grey eyes set on mine. “So, the girl. What’s she like?”
“Clementine?” I shrug. “She’s infuriating.” I smile.
“Yeah?” Dean’s voice raises a bit, like he’s reading more into my answer. “Infuriatingly sexy?”
I stare at the label on my beer. “I’m not going to lie. She’s a fucking knockout.”
“But?” He sets his green bottle down. “I hear a but coming on.”
I lean my head to the side, looking for the right words. “But, nothing. She’s not like most women.”
“How does she feel about the upcoming nuptials?”
“She hates it. Said no when I first asked her.”
Dean smiles, raising his beer to clink with mine. “Ah, so she’s a smart one.”
I laugh. “Yeah, she’s pretty smart.”
I slide off the stool, stepping away from him and outside into the warm breeze to sit at the outdoor table shaded by an umbrella.
He follows and takes a seat next to me. “So, why did you come? Want me to run a background check on her?”
I shake my head, staring at the blue sea, lapping the shoreline. “No, I’ve run the basic profile on her. I’m not worried. It’s Ronin and Bishop that have me worried.”
“Ah, I see.”