Page 11 of Bride
A contract?I almost want to laugh at her, but instead, I take a seat at the wrought-iron table. Normally, when handed a contract, I call Patrick, my attorney, and let him read through it before I even lay eyes on it. Patrick is smart. Patrick is wise. And he never lets me sign anything until he and his firm give it their utmost attention.
But, Clementine has piqued my interest. And no one ever piques my interests when it comes to contracts. I smile at her handwritten contract as she takes a seat next to me.
My eyes zero in on the words written there:
There will be no sex.
I read the vague line over and over. “Ever?” I ask her.
She straightens her posture. “No, never.”
“With anyone? Ever again, for the rest of my life?”
“Well, no. I guess not.” She touches her bottom lip with the pad of her finger.
I scan to the next item and laugh after I read the words written there:
Gabriel Prince will not come onto Clementine Bright during the course of the marriage.
“What?” she asks, her eyes narrowing on me. “These are good terms and I won’t be lenient on them.”
I set the paper down. “Can I ask you something?”
She composes herself before answering. “Ok,” she says, slowly.
“Everything in this contract is assuming I would try to seduce you.” I lean back in my seat, capping her kitty cat pen and placing it on the table. “What if you try to seduce me?”
Now it’s time for her to laugh. “As if.”
“What?” I scoot closer to her, touching a stray strand of her long hair, letting it run through my fingers. “Imagine you’re all alone one night. You’re feeling naughty and you’re in that place somewhere between sleep and awake, and your hand roams over your body.”
She swallows, and I take notice of her smooth skin, wanting to touch it.
“Your fingers trace over your panties. And it’s been a long time.”
She takes one slow blink and then opens her eyes, focusing on mine.
“A really long time since you’ve been touched. Your fingers dip beneath the band of your panties.” I don’t stop with this scenario because it’s a power play. Who breaks first?
Who calls the bluff? It won’t be me. She wants to write a sex contract with it all geared to me being the one who would break first, then this is what she gets.
I live on control.
I never sway once I’ve made a decision about something.
Who does she think she is?
She doesn’t know the rules to this game.
And one thing I would never do is sign a contract for her. Sex or not.
I never planned on having sex with my wife, and I still don’t. But, I would love to bring her to her knees and let her beg for it.
She thinks I would be the one to want her? No, I’ll make sure she wants me.