Page 5 of Wild Child
I listened to her tell the lie over the phone and had to smile at the fact that she wasn’t very good at this. I would’ve thought that someone with her sexual proclivities would’ve tried to live out at least half of what she was afraid of. I’m just slightly amazed that she’d had so much control at her age.
But it’s all to my benefit that she’d been able to control her urges for so long. Her only lover until I was some eighteen-year-old kid that was afraid of her pussy. I do not need to be jealous of him. That’s something else I’d learned in the weeks since I’d been ‘treating’ her. I’m jealous.
The more that I came to suspect that she might be mine, the more jealous I became of her time, where she went, who she went with. I hated each time she walked through that door to leave me.
She hung up the phone while I was distracted, looking at her ass. “Everything good?”
“We’re all set.” She nodded. I put my hand behind her head and pulled her in for a kiss. “Let’s go!” I grabbed her hand, which I was free to do because my secretary had been long gone.
Downstairs in my personal garage, I sat her in the passenger seat of the red Bentley and belted her in. It was only a twenty-minute drive to my luxury apartment, but I had to give her my fingers. That little teaser in my office had barely scratched the surface. It wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy my fiery girl.
I knew it wouldn’t be; in fact, I was banking on it. For her to keep up with me, to be ‘my one,’ then she’d have to take a hell of a lot more cock than that. If she couldn’t go all day and night, then there was no point. But we’ll soon find out, won’t we?
I plan to fuck her tight little pussy until it’s well broken in. Of course, I have ways and means of keeping her tight for a long-long time, even after the children I plan to breed her with. My thoughts made me press my foot down on the gas even as I drove my fingers into her hungry cunt.
“That boy you fucked? Did you two ever play?” She looked at me through dazed eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, did he ever tie you up and fuck your tight pussy hard while fucking your ass with a dildo? Has he ever fucked you while paddling your ass?” She squeezed her pussy hard around my fingers and came while shaking her head no. It’s going to be a long night; I can’t wait.
By the time we made it upstairs and into my bedroom, she’d stripped. All that was left were her high-heeled shoes that she can’t seem to ever be without. I walked her backward to the bed, still fully clothed myself, and rubbed the rough fabric of my clothes against her heated skin.
I knew what that would do to her, what everything I was about to do to her tonight would do to her. I guess you can say this was an audition of sorts.
Though she was the first patient that had tried out for the position, she wasn’t the first of her kind. And I’m just not in the mood to waste my time. I can’t go through another week of training only to have the woman give out on me at the end. No, if she doesn’t past the test, I’ll be back to square one. But something told me that my search was over.
I lowered her to the bed and stood between her naked thighs. “You wanna fuck little Chelsea?” She looked up at me with such desperate eyes I couldn’t help but to lean down and kiss her. “Undress me!”
Her fingers fumbled with my zipper until she released my cock to her hungry gaze. She moved to take me into her mouth, but I stopped her. “No, undress me, I said.” She got to her feet, our bodies pressed together and attacked the buttons of my shirt.
“If you lose any more of those, I’ll whip you.” Her body trembled, and she made a humming sound in her throat. Her thighs rubbed together as she hurried me out of my shirt before attacking my slacks. I’d lost the jacket and tie at the door.
With my cock now bare and hanging down thirteen inches between us, I decided to tease her with kisses. Her lips were soft and pliant beneath mine, her ass warm to the touch as I ran my hands over her firm globes.
“I’m going to fuck you all night and into the next day; think you can take it?”
“Uh-hmm.” She rubbed herself against me; then, she tried to climb me.
My cock stood firm between us, running from her cunt slit to her ass crack and beyond. “I’m going to tie you up later and fuck you, right now I want to walk around the room fucking you. Reach between us and put me inside you.”