Page 9 of Little Killer
The news of the massacre had spread across the country, hitting every huge news channel by the time the five o’clock news rolled around that evening. They were making it known that every college student was being questioned, wanting to know what happened. Cops were digging for anything they could find, but all they knew was that two masked men set the house on fire—which was disintegrated, by the way—and a masked woman wearing no pants had been killing people with a hatchet.
There was no evidence to link anyone to the murders or the arson.
They were interviewing teary-eyed parents and survivors. I snorted at their declarations of wanting justice.
I wanted my girl to have justice, too, for the parents she’d lost unexpectedly. But no, they locked that son of a bitch up behind bars.
If you asked me, it was too easy of a way to get off for what they’d taken from her.
Shaking my head, I turned the television off just as a knock sounded on the door. Brandy jumped in my arms, her tablet falling to her lap in surprise. I pressed a kiss to her temple. “You remember what we talked about?” I quietly asked her. I had a damn good feeling it was the cops.
She nodded. After she’d eaten lunch, Alfonso and I had both talked to her about what she needed to say if she was ever questioned by the police.
I pressed my lips to hers and lifted her off my lap just as whoever was at the door knocked again. I opened it up with a lazy, bored look on my face.
“Can I help you?” I asked the two officers standing on my doorstep.
“We’d like to ask you some questions, if that’s okay,” the older one said.
I shrugged. “Sure. Come on in. Can I get you two gentlemen anything to drink?” I fucking hated playing the nice guy, but you didn’t do the shit I did and not know how to place nice with law enforcement.
They both declined, and I led them into the living room. Brandy looked up from her tablet, surprise lighting up her eyes at the sight of the officers. If I didn’t know her so well, I’d have thought she was truly surprised. But I could see past her façade. But damn if she wasn’t a good actor.
I’d taught her well over the last few months, and a surge of pride rushed through me.
“Hi,” she squeaked, tightening the blanket over her legs. She was only wearing my t-shirt, not a damn thing else. Not even panties. Her cheeks flushed. “If I’d known we had company . . .”
The younger officer flushed, obviously understanding that she wasn’t wearing much of anything. I dropped down beside her and tucked the blanket even further around her. “I apologize,” I told them, though it took everything in me not to grit my teeth and order them out until she properly dressed. “We were enjoying a chill day at home. What can we help you with?”
“I’m sure you’re well aware of the massacre that occurred last night at a party a few miles from here. We’re trying to get some semblance of what happened or who it might have been. I understand you’re pretty well known around campus, Ryker.” I shrugged because I was. My fuck boy reputation had followed me from high school. “We were hoping you might be able to shed some light.”
I shook my head. “Sorry, officers. I was here with my girl and best friend last night. We celebrated the fourth in our own way.”
The younger officer choked. Brandy flushed, though she knew I would never allow another man to touch her—not even Alfonso. “So, you didn’t go to the campus fireworks show?”
I nodded. “We did, but we left during the fireworks. Brandy’s not a huge fan of the loud noise.”
The officers both offered her looks of sympathy. Brandy clenched her jaw and looked away. She was playing her part fucking well. But I knew that part wasn’t hard. If I wasn’t with her, she truly was afraid of loud noises. And she hated pity.
"Have you heard anything about anyone planning something?"
I shook my head. “Not a peep, officers. Could it have possibly been someone not involved with the school at all?”
“It’s a possibility,” the older one mused, “but we want to cover these bases first. So, you didn’t go to the party at all?”
I shook my head. “Nope. Brandy wasn’t up for it after the fireworks. So, like I said, we stayed here with my best friend.”
“And your best friend is?”
“Right here,” Alfonso said, walking in and shutting the door behind him like he owned the place. He nodded once at the officers. “Gentleman.” He looked at me and smacked a textbook down on the table. “Need help with this dumb shit whenever you get done here.”
I nodded once at him. The younger officer looked between the two of us before looking at Brandy. “You mind if we talk to your girl alone for a few minutes, Ryker?”
I shrugged and grabbed Alfonso’s textbook off the table. “Sure.” I leaned over and pressed a kiss to Brandy’s lips. “Holler if you need me, babe.”