Page 54 of The Boss Project
My mind instantly went to Merrick last night. I’d found his eyes focused on my lips more than once. “Let me ask you something. When a guy’s eyes linger on your lips, does it always mean he’s thinking about kissing you?”
“Definitely not.”
I frowned. “Oh.”
“Did you have lipstick on?”
“Might some have been on your teeth?”
“No, I don’t think so. I looked in the mirror after I applied it.”
She pointed to her teeth. “Did you eat spinach?”
I shook my head.
“Is he deaf?”
I chuckled. “No.”
Greer shrugged. “Then yeah, he was thinking about using your lips for dick pillows.”
I laughed. “And here I thought maybe it meant he wanted to kiss me.”
“Nah. Women think about kissing. Men think about blowjobs.”
I sighed.
Greer walked to the refrigerator and pulled out the orange juice. “Who was fantasizing about your mouth?”
“I don’t know if he was fantasizing about anything, but I caught Merrick’s eyes lingering a few times.”
“As in your jerk, hot boss, Merrick? The one I met for two minutes and noticed looking at you in that sort of way that’s more than a look?”
I nodded.
“Oh boy. I know I teased you about how hot he is, but do you think it’s a good idea to go there?”
I shook my head. “Definitely not. He’s my boss. Been there, done that, burned the T-shirt. But I am undeniably attracted to him. He’s softened a lot since we first met. I don’t know what it is—aside from the obvious, he’s very handsome—but I’m drawn to him. He’s kind of hard and stern on the outside, but then every once in a while, you get a glimpse of a soft inside. Being around him kind of awakens something in me. It’s made me realize just how dead my relationship with Christian was, long before he buried us.”
“What’s bossman’s deal? Does he have a girlfriend?”
“Not that I’m aware of—he’s said he isn’t dating anyone seriously. Though he’s pretty private about his personal life. I know he was engaged to a woman he started his firm with. She apparently died, but Will once mentioned that she’d annihilated him—whatever that means. I’m not sure what happened there.”
“Well, I want you to get back out there and enjoy yourself. You deserve to be happy. But maybe you should tread lightly with that one. The only thing more wrought with issues than dating your boss is dating a guy who’s carrying a ghost around with him.”