Page 39 of The Boss Project
That didn’t sound good. Of course, it also made me more curious, but I didn’t want to push my professional boundaries any further on his first visit. So I rounded our conversation back to his job. Will seemed open to discussing anything about his work, which was good. And his cooperation went a long way in settling my nerves. I was glad he was my first client of the day.
When the alarm I’d set to signal the end of our session dinged, Will slapped his hands to his thighs. “So? Did I win a prize?”
“You sure did. Your first session is over. You’ve won your freedom for another month.”
“Nice. Wasn’t so bad.”
Considering we’d spent the hour mostly discussing the elements of his job and not really any emotions or feelings, I was glad he didn’t think it was too painful. I had a learning curve and needed to take my time with these people to earn their trust and respect. But it felt safe to push my luck a little with Will, since he was so easygoing and friendly.
“Can I ask you one more question, Will?”
“If you had a do-over in your marriage, would you work less and try to be present at home more?”
He looked me in the eyes and smiled sadly. “Yeah, I probably would.”
• • •
I couldn’t believe it was already seven o’clock. Between seeing my first patients, a meeting with HR to go over the corporate org chart, and writing my session summaries, the day had flown by. I flicked off my laptop and took out my phone to text my sister to see if she wanted anything on my way home.
Before she could respond, Merrick appeared at my door. His evening visits were becoming common, but since he worked on another floor, I had to wonder if he stopped down just to see me. He had his usual worn leather briefcase flung over his shoulder, and the bag was bulging again.
“So? You survived meeting with your first employees today.” He looked me up and down. “I don’t see any bumps or bruises.”
I pulled my purse from a drawer and plopped it down on my desk. “I think I made it out unscathed.”
“How’d it go?”
“Pretty well, actually. Only one person canceled, or rather, she rescheduled.”
“She? I take it that means Colette?”
I nodded. “She had to leave early because her son was sick at school.”
“But the others didn’t give you a hard time?”
“No, they were really friendly. We talked a lot.”
“So I can go tell my board we’re cured? We won’t be getting hit with any more lawsuits?”
I laughed. “Not quite. But speaking of lawsuits, I called the attorney you recommended, and I’m meeting with him tomorrow night.”
“Good. Hope it works out. Barnett is a good guy, but he’s also a bulldog of a lawyer.”
“Any chance you have a real-estate-agent referral, too?”
Merrick nodded. “I do. Nick Zimmerman. He’ll probably disagree with you when you tell him where you want to live, but he’s a great agent. I can send an email making an introduction, if you want?”
“That would be great. Thanks a lot. And as long as you’re so amenable, could we also meet tomorrow morning for a few minutes?”
“Can’t. I’m flying out first thing.”
“Oh. How long are you gone?”
“Five days. Is it important?”
“No, not really. I’m just trying to get a handle on the culture, and I can’t discuss my thoughts or opinions with staff or employees. I have to remain neutral and encourage them to talk. Joan from HR has been great, but she doesn’t have experience living in the action like you do.”