Page 129 of This Man Confessed (This Man 3)
‘Ava, you look so well!’ Cathy sings at me from across the kitchen. ‘All glowing and fresh!’
‘Thanks, Cathy.’ I smile at her kindness but wonder if she’s just trying to make me feel better. ‘Can I take my bagel with me? I’m running a little late.’
‘Of course.’ She starts wrapping it in cling film. ‘Did you have a nice time?’
My smile broadens as I approach her to collect my breakfast. ‘We had a lovely time.’ I say, because we did, despite the last horrific evening.
‘I’m so glad. You both needed a break. Tell me, are the biscuits working?’
‘I knew they would. And twins!’ She shoves my bagel in my bag and clasps my cheeks. ‘Do you realise how lucky you are?’
‘Yes,’ I answer, actually meaning it. ‘I should get going.’
‘Yes, yes, you go, dear. I’ll get started on the washing.’
I leave Cathy sorting whites and darks, and board the elevator after punching in the new code. I’m quickly delivered into the foyer of Lusso, where I find Casey sorting out the post. ‘Morning, Casey.’ I greet as I bounce past.
‘Mrs Ward! You’re back.’ He joins me as I head for the brightness of outside. ‘Did you have a nice time?’
‘Casey, you don’t need to call me Mrs Ward. Ava will do. We had a great time, thank you.’ I slip my shades on and retrieve my keys from my bag. ‘How are you enjoying the new job?’
‘More now you’re back.’
I skid to a halt. ‘Pardon?’
He blushes terribly and starts fiddling with the envelopes in his grasp. ‘That came out wrong. Sorry. It’s just, well, did you know that you’re the only woman in the whole building?’
‘Am I?’
‘Yes. All these rich businessmen don’t say a word. They just grunt at me or make demands down the phone. You’re the only one who takes the time to speak. I appreciate it, that’s all.’
‘Oh, okay.’ I smile at his awkwardness. ‘You mean rich business men like my husband?’
He blushes further. ‘Okay, now I’m just digging myself a hole.’ He laughs uncomfortably. ‘It’s just nice to see a cheerful face around here again.’
‘Thank you,’ I smile, and he returns it, his steel blue eyes twinkling. ‘I’d better be going.’
‘Sure. I’ll catch you later.’ He backs away before turning and strolling off casually, back to his desk. I need to get my backside in gear. It’s my first day back, and I’m going to be late. I need to be in Patrick’s good books today.
I don’t even falter in my steps when I emerge from Lusso and see John waiting for me. He doesn’t shrug apologetically like he usually would, either. I had fully expected this. ‘How are you, John?’ It’s good to see him again. I’ve missed the big friendly guy.
‘S’all good, girl.’ he rumbles, following my path around to the passenger side. I jump in and secure myself with the seatbelt, watching as John takes his seat beside me on a frown. ‘You’re not going to kick up a stink today?’ he asks, his voice plagued with laughter.
‘I think I’d be signing my own death warrant if I did.’ I answer dryly.
John laughs, shifting his big body in the seat before starting his Ranger Rover up. ‘I’m glad. I was under strict instructions to manhandle you with optimum care if you resisted.’ He looks across at me through his black wraparounds. ‘I didn’t want to resort to that, girl.’
I grin at him. ‘So are you my assigned bodyguard now, then?’ I know if there was anyone else Jesse would trust me to, it would be John. I’m kidding, of course, but John can’t appreciate taxying me to work every day.
‘If it keeps that mother f**ker happy, I’ll do whatever he wants.’ John swigs out of the car park. ‘Are you and the babies okay?’ He keeps his eyes on the road.
‘Yes, but now there are three of us for Jesse to get his knickers in a twist over.’ I grumble.
‘Crazy mother f**ker.’ He laughs, revealing his gold tooth. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Do you mean being pregnant, or after the accident?’ I keep my eyes on him, gaging his reaction. I want to know if there have been any developments since we’ve been away.
‘Both, girl.’ He says no more.
‘Fine, on both counts, thank you. Any news on Jesse’s car?’ I sweep straight in. I’m comfortable enough with John to blurt out what I want.
‘Nothing for you to worry about, girl.’ he answers coolly. I might be comfortable enough to ask, but I need to remember that John is also comfortable enough to brush me off. I won’t get anything out of him. ‘How was Paradise?’ he asks in a blatant change of subject tactic.
‘It was paradise,’ I muse. ‘Until we bumped into Jesse’s parents.’ I’m not sure if I should be divulging this, but I’ve said it now and judging by the look that’s just flashed across the ever cool giant’s face, I’ve shocked him. I nod my head, confirming that he heard me right, and his shiny forehead wrinkles above his shades. ‘Amalie’s wedding got postponed because Jesse’s dad had a heart attack,’ I continue. John must be aware of the wedding, the invite, and Jesse parents living near to Paradise. He’s been around forever, according to Jesse.
‘Henry had a heart attack?’ he asks, surprised. ‘And what went down?’